Cyberrafting voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Having readable, clear and balanced contrast typography with a sensible chain of info will make it a lot easier for the visitors to read the content on your business or e-commerce website. Or you can highlight or summarize the important points, as the visitors are mostly looking for specific info a Read More
People have a misconception of the role played by web design of a website. Many people consider web design as just a tool to improve the feel and look of a website. However, your site should look more than a digital brochure. You can achieve different business objectives using web design as a tool. Read More
Ever wonder how graphic design work, the thought behind the graphic design come from or how the creative process works for a graphic designer? From commercial advertisements to fashion graphic design pieces, graphic design is everywhere. And with the rise of graphic design tools like photoshop, any Read More
Are internal links through pictures (click picture, not text) SEO friendly? Are there any positive/ negatives of one over the other?

I am currently using Yoast Premium and several pages on our site had alerts for either zero or too few internal links, which lead me to believe the program is not Read More
Building a website can be as easy as dragging and dropping widgets onto your site. But the problem with such do-it-yourself web design companies is that it emphasizes ease of use, but the website which you create may be often looking amateurish or it can become a cookie-cutter copy of other company Read More
Think, act and perform like a publication. Take the time to structure your blog to mimic a news site. Make it user-friendly, easily noting sections and serving visitors with an easy helpful experience. Read More
Businesses run content department just to create content for SEO. But this myopic approach can fail to create the journalistic value of the content that can supercharge a company’s PR, brand, customer retention and reputation management. Sure content which is great can run more than SEO, it can do Read More
The annual exhibition shows the best graphic design work, illustration, and web design work of graphic design majors in their final semester of study at Penn College. The exhibition provides a space for graphic design majors to showcase their talent in branding, marketing, design and advertising to Read More
Having clear, readable and high-contrast typography with a logical hierarchy of information will make it easier to actually read the content. Or skim through it, if they can do that. Skim-ability is important for users as they do not have the time to read through all the information and are looking Read More
There are a lot of naysayers to the term web design; most of them think that web design is just the cosmetics, the visual appeal of the website. But your website should be more than a pretty digital brochure. Web design is the tool which can be used to achieve specific business goals. Read More

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