Dannorris voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As a solo founder I need to do a lot myself and the nature of my business means I’ll get measured against companies that are a lot bigger, have often multiple millions in funding and teams of tens if not hundreds of people. Read More
Over the last 6 months I’ve chatted to some world renowned experts about building a sustainable web development business on my podcast Agency Talk.
Below I’ve pulled out some of the best bits that will help you on the path from freelancer to strong, sustainable web development business owner. Clic Read More

I’m going to fill you in on something scary. For most people, content marketing does not work. In this post I’ll explain why and show you step by step how to create content that does (i.e. content that drives opt ins, leads and revenue to your Read More
In this episode, I go over the concept of Unique Lead Generation Advantage (ULGA). What is it about you or your business that is going to give you an advantage in terms of generating leads? Read More
One of the things I’m trying to do with Informly is work out a scalable way to grow and ideally build some early revenue. I see content marketing as the best way I can grow my business long term but it takes a long time to build up momentum.
So as part of marketing for the agency version of Inform Read More
This week, Tim Conley is back (see his first appearance here) to discuss how to move from blogger to content marketer.
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As a content marketer I’m regularly looking at my stats to work out what content is doing well. In this article I’ll go through 2 useful reports for determining how useful your content is at driving leads.
Note: For a basic overview of analytics check out our guide to actionable analytics in Googl Read More
In my last business I was obsessed with traffic. I started a blog and I clearly remember the day I cracked 5,000 monthly visitors woo hoo! Only took me about 2 years.

When I sold it to start Informly I was hoping I’d get to that level a bit quicker but after 5 months I was already getting 10,000 Read More

5 sobering truths about small business analytics

Avatar Posted by dannorris under Online Marketing
From http://inform.ly 4198 days ago
Made Hot by: Marketing_Mashup on March 16, 2013 2:27 am
As a small business owner there are countless things that demand your attention which makes it hard to do anything well. We all know the importance of understanding our data but we aren’t particularly good at it. Here are 5 alarming facts about small business analytics. Read More
Damian Thompson is back (see his first appearance here) this week to share with us 10 ways to tell if your content is crap. Read More

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