Dannorris voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The team at WP Curve helped Melissa Shanhun to improve the conversion rate on her site Digital Scrapbooking HQ.

We used our free Conversion Review Template, which you can download below. Read More
A year ago (almost to the day) I started my company Informly and gave myself 12 months to make it happen. In this report I run through how I went.
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In this post I review 5 popular social sharing plugins. My conclusion is Digg Digg is the best but there are still a few features I'd like to see. Read More

Confessions of a reformed wantrepreneur

Avatar Posted by dannorris under Startups
From http://thedannorris.com 4014 days ago
Made Hot by: GraftonToday on August 7, 2013 12:58 am
Hi – I’m Claff. Nice to meet you!

Before I dish some dirt on my startup experience – here’s some background.

I’ve worked 15 different jobs in my 27 years. I’ve collected degrees like Pokemon – you gotta catch ‘em all! I’ve got 8 pieces of paper, from a Financial Planning Diploma through to an Read More
Shortly before starting my software app Informly I read the Lean Startup and had lots of conversations with some very smart software entrepreneurs about validation. I also read lots of posts from people who had ‘validated’ their ideas and had great results.

The problem is what happens if your re Read More
I this monthly report I go through my launch of WP Live Ninja and a bunch of other stuff. It's been an interesting month! Read More
It’s pretty much universal advice for succeeding online these days that you should ‘create more great content’. The problem I see over an over again though is people are struggling to find an audience for their existing content and they troubleshoot that by creating more of it.
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In this post I go through 18 traits of epic content marketers. I also provide a checklist that you can use yourself to benchmark which traits you have (you can even tweet your score).

On top of that I go into great detail on each trait and feature 20+ marketers who are crushing it with content Read More
Part 3 of my 7 blog conversion mistakes series (podcast). This also includes the full list of 21 conversion mistakes). Read More
The big lessons that a business owner learned through the process of selling his web design company so that he could focus on another venture. Read More

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