Davidtrounce voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you’re in the process of getting your first website up and running, you probably already know a thing or two about passive income. You might have also learned that creating, building, and optimizing a website takes a great deal of both time and money. Read More
Planning, preparation, and investigation are at the heart of what it takes to present ourselves in a favourable light with prospective employers in marketing. Add to that a good attitude and you are well on your way.

Here are 7 planning and preparation tasks to work through before you Read More
Take a quick look at the business world today, whether brick-and-mortar stores or online, and you will quickly see a wide divergence in the amount of energy being poured into sustainable business initiatives. Read More
If you have been online for 10 years or more, you might have begun to suspect that there is no longer room for growth among small businesses," says David Trounce, the founder of the web design agency, Mallee Blue Media, "but that is clearly not the case.
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ontent marketing is the future, and to achieve this, you need a content writer. But, what are some ways to create the best content marketing strategy for your business? Read More
Your content strategy should also align with the overall design of your website and maintain a consistent brand image. This includes color choices, fonts, image styles and other rich media that you have decided to include in your websites’ design, look, and feel. Furthermore, your design should com Read More
Learn how to use textOptimizer to improve your SEO and content readability. Text Optimizer tool analyzes your content for important keywords and phrases then compares this with real-time results in Google. Find out what keywords your competitors are ranking for and then add them to your article. Read More
The importance of a smartphone is undeniable, and it extends beyond personal use. Starting a business from your phone is not going to be easy, but you can take steps to make things a little easier. The following are a few tools you need to consider depending on the kind of business you are thinking Read More

6 Reasons to Get Your Business Online Today

Avatar Posted by davidtrounce under Startups
From https://www.malleeblue.com 1884 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on June 2, 2019 10:40 am
Establishing an online presence for your small business should be in every owner’s plan. It does not matter if your business is ‘traditional’ or not. There is so much gold online, and higher chances are that you’ll make more sales there. Read More

7 Steps to Get Your Small Business Up-and-Running Online

Avatar Posted by davidtrounce under Strategy
From https://www.malleeblue.com 1884 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on June 5, 2019 6:38 am
Having worked in small business for over 20 years, and worked with numerous startups, I have gained a lot of exposure to the patterns that make for success.

Here are 10 steps to getting your business up and running online. Read More

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