Ebuzznet voted on the following stories on BizSugar

On Jan. 1, 2014, the next phase of the Affordable Care Act, sometimes referred to as Obamacare, goes into effect. That phase of the landmark healthcare reform includes one of the most controversial parts of the legislation: the individual and employer mandates. Read More
Before he started to dole out social media advice for entrepreneurs like you at Inc.'s recent GrowCo conference in New Orleans, Dave Kerpen, chairman of Likeable Media and now founder of offshoot Likeable Local, had a few things he wanted to get out of the way.

First, he said, social media is no Read More
Every entrepreneur knows that the team he or she builds is the backbone of the business and that without great employees your company won’t thrive. But when you’re just starting out or are a small business without the mounds of cash the titans have to attract top talent, how do you find -and keep- Read More
If you're taking your message to talk radio, you may benefit from some of my favorite, and less obvious, bits of advice. Read More
Here are four questions that help you separate good advice from bad advice that can kill your startup or small business. Read More
Heather Robson is going to share four ways you can start using online video right away to wow your clients AND attract an audience for your own web-writing business at the same time. Read More
Bullets, of course, are an essential part of every writer's marketing arsenal.

Whether you write advertising copy for print, websites, or email, bullets are a great way to break up the text of a web page, long sales letter, or email message. They draw the eye and are a great way to pack a lot of Read More
Have you ever written an ineffective, lacklustre bullet? Whether you use them in an email, website, or online sales page, the quality of your bullets can play a major role in whether or not a reader makes it to the end of your copy. Read More
Most attention was given to last month’s Panda update, and the subsequent debate still raging around whether or not is has yet taken effect. Cutts also hit the headlines in the SEO industry for saying that future updates would just roll out within algorithm changes, rather than Google announce it i Read More

The Best and Worst States for Small Business Taxes

Avatar Posted by Maria Haubrich under Taxes
From http://www.smallbizdaily.com 4176 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on April 18, 2013 7:30 pm
Just in time for tax day April 15, The Tax Foundation has released its annual assessment of the best (and worst) states for small business taxes. Read More

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