Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Yesterday, I took my son to the zoo. Of course that accounts for the missed day in posting. It was an entire day event. We had tons of fun. Anyone will tell you that a 2 year old just loves animals. Even today, he’s still talking about his day. Of course, I also kept all of you in mind while Read More
Selling a business is a lot like selling your house – only lot more difficult and time consuming. There are steps you can take to make the process of selling the business easier for you. This post outlines the steps you can take 1 year before getting ready to sell the business. Read More
My blog was born out of my fascination with customized products and services and that’s why this post talks about “signature style”. Speaking of designers and customized goods the one thing that comes to mind is the concept of signature style. What is signature style and why should you even bother Read More
The poor job market and frail economy have created a type of panic throughout college campuses. College seniors who have worked very hard for the past four years are starting to realize that it might not pay off. Good grades, a high GPA and great recommendations won’t get their feet in the door –be Read More
I believe that publishing your guest post on this blog will help you to get inbound links and traffic for your own blog. Read More
Today it is much easier to become an online entrepreneur! All that you need to start an online business is to launch your own website. Afterwards, you have to promote a web resource properly and provide users either with interesting products or valuable content. Read More
Not too many years ago it was quite easy to listen in on people’s cellphone calls using a standard scanner, but the advent of GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) technology made the use of a scanner obsolete in eavesdropping on the digital signal. Recently, however, two researchers publi Read More
On this site, I have written a number of articles addressing the need for small and medium-sized businesses to take security measures just as if they were large corporations. I hope this recent story from the Seattle police will help business owners to understand that they must be proactive in imp Read More
It is my intent in this article to address one issue related to active shooter incidents so you as a business owner can think further about this important topic. The issue I want to address with the remainder of this article is allowing employees and customers to carry concealed weapons at your pl Read More
For many who are passionate about creative writing, the concept of a "hobby" is basically thrown out of the window! So, here's what you need to do: define your goals. Read More

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