Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Five easily avoidable design mistakes that email marketers are still making, and how to avoid them. Read More
Time management training is about the application of good ideas.
It is also about the avoidance of bad ideas.

There are two bad ideas that cause many problems:
The two, bad, time management ideas are:
1. The desire for a magic bullet solution
2. The search for instant results

What is the Read More
While my mantra is "Make your plan as usable for you as possible", it's not always clear how to design this plan so to fits you. This is entirely about how you work. Keep in mind that this is not the business plan you're showing to the bank or investors. It exists so...
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Much of marketing is customer service. Positioning your customer service in eCommerce is no exception. It may look different than it does when operating a physical storefront, but it can make the difference between a good conversion rate and a great one. Read More
In a world filled with Tweets & Facebook posts, Email Marketing Campaigns can still be effective marketing tools for small business. Read More
Many bloggers adore WordPress if for nothing but their thousands—literally thousands—of nifty plugins. As with any selection of accessories for blogs, cars, or wardrobes, however, much of these plugins end up being nothing more than clutter. We must remember that a cluttered blog is a lonely blog. Read More
The purpose of building a model is two-fold: first it lets potential investors know that you have made an attempt to project the potential performance of your business, understand what the cost drivers are and (hopefully) identify key risks in the business model. Secondly, it helps you link strateg Read More
When it comes to outsourcing, I would prefer to hire really talented people who are just starting a business,

(1) because I love to help hard-working startups build their business, and

(2) I like to have a list of cost-effective, go-to people to recommend to my clients.

Whenever you outsou Read More
Achieving trust in sales is key, and while it may take time to solidify, there is a lot that can be achieved early in the relation to facilitate it and create something you can build on. Read More
31 Days to Build A better blog is an amazing book from Darren Rowse, the founder of Problogger.net. The book is a must one for both newbie and experienced bloggers, since it will help to revitalize your blog and turn it into a successful one just by giving you 31 tasks to follow. Read More

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