Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Testing your business blog is a key component of driving it's success as a sales and marketing tool. It is important to set measures of blog success and test against those measures. Try new things to make sure the blog is optimised for your business and measure their impact. Read More
Out of nowhere, Business Insider started seeing real referral traffic from LinkedIn last month.The chart above illustrates the spike.
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If you regularly need to draw diagrams or mind-maps, you may have been familiar with the Microsoft Visio software or a lot of open-source programs out there. Read More
A marketing strategy is essential if you want to achieve success for your small business. It is the link between your marketing objectives and tactics. Here are a few tips from a clean up of household items. Read More
A quick guide on how to perform a local search audit for your business. Focusing on your local listing is a great way to keep the phone ringing. Read More
A lot's happening right now, forget Woodstock and the summer of love, this is the summer of Social Media! More about my recent guest Blogging, how much fun is Empire Avenue? (my stock price is flying!) Oh, and we had a Royal Wedding too! April was quite a month! Read More
Sabyasachi Mukherjee graduated from NIFT (National Institute of Fashion Technology) with three major awards and has been making waves with his designs in the world of fashion since 1999. A master strategist who has dared to be different, I feel there’s a lot that entrepreneurs can learn from Sabyas Read More
MMA and franchise owners; weird combo, huh? Well, according to Jason Hardt, (This is his 2nd guest post on The Franchise King Blog) it's not. He writes about what it's really like to own a food franchise... Read More
There has been a lot of buzz about FreeSEOReport.com lately. It’s died down a bit since the initial excitement wore off and now I am starting to see an alarming trend: SEO “gurus” offering this report that they can get for about $10 each to their unsuspecting clients, while, of course, charging the Read More
FourSquare is the hottest thing going in the location-based sector. Need more proof? Well, it can be seen in the massive success of the recent FourSquare Day. The annual observance, which started in 2010, generated 3 million check-ins with its 2011 campaign, up from 270,000 in the first year. It is Read More

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