Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As bloggers, we all know that the ultimate goal of every blog post is that it should deliver value to the readers. So it’s should be very important that we learn to create valuable articles. Learning how to make your blog post valuable is not a daunting task and it can be done just by following few Read More
Part of internet marketing strategies success is all about knowing our target market. The rest is about branding and delivery, but delivery is a matter for another post. Internet marketing strategies consist of all things real world converted to digital representations, and as such, internet-market Read More
WWW and non-WWW web address are two different entities in the eyes of search engines. How to 301 redirect PHP Link Directory-powered web directories? Read More
In today's post John Jantsch covers the importance of inspiring, growing through risk, being graceful, and other characteristics he believes falls under the word boundless. Read More
Why bother with improving conversion rates? How can companies bid $xx.xx per click on Adwords? And why do people get all hot and bothered about “viral” businesses? All these questions are related to the value of a sale – which I’ve created some calculators to help your company better estimate & und Read More
In his book, The Truth About Leads, Dan McDade writes, “Close to 80 percent of buyers state that when they are in the market for a solution (such as software or services), they found the vendor, not the other way around.” Let’s run that through our brains one more time… Read More
Being kinder to the environment as a small business doesn't need to be a hassle. Discover five simple ways you can help your business and surroundings... Read More
Do you think that if we were to lose the war in Afghanistan or Iraq, our Government would turn around and say..”Those lazy soldiers! Let’s take away their pensions and kick them out!” Absolutely not! No one would EVER contemplate blaming the fighting men and women..And quite right too. Read More
There are numerous ways you can earn extra money from home. However, some types of home-based businesses are better for people who want to work only part-time, weekends or on a irregular contract basis.

If you are interested in earning some side income, you need to be creative. In order to compe Read More
Why do you have a website? What is its purpose? Does your website really attract more customers or does it just look good?

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