Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Are you attached to your smartphone? Of course you are—most small business owners, just like most Americans, don’t leave home these days without their BlackBerry, iPhone, Android or other smartphone within easy reach. Like most tech phenomena, this presents both a challenge to and an opportunity fo Read More
Interview with Neil Strauss, best-selling author and journalist, on interviewing some of the world's top celebrities, musicians and personalities and finding his calling as a writer. Read More
Announcement about the new direction of The Rise To The Top talk show with David Siteman Garland now with a wide range of topics from sports to entertainment. Read More
One of the most essential components of success is productivity. Productivity is all about being in an environment that encourages concentration and focus. It is nearly impossible to work in a space that is full of distractions. While the concept of a productive work environment is fairly obvious, Read More
Understanding cultures you work with! The matzo is both food and symbol: as the story goes, the Hebrews left Egypt in such haste, their bread did not have time to rise. For the eight days of Passover, we eat matzo to commemorate the exodus. Read More
Even in my business I have SO many photos and banners and logos! Wouldn’t we all like someone to organize our photos for us – a digital organizer of sorts. Here are some tips for finding a good organizer & getting organized. Read More
Do you use SlideShare to get your marketing message out? SlideShare is an online site that allows you to upload presentations and documents to share with the world. Read More
With breaking news happening in real time, how you react in your social networking sites could have a long-term effect on your brand. Do you have something to add to the conversation or are you committing social media suicide? Read More
Of course you participate in buying your insurance. You’re the one that did the Google search for insurance quotes. You’re the one that clicked all the little buttons to get a quote. You’re the one that hit the “buy now” button to purchase the policy. Read More
Everyone understands that we need to be producing content in this day and age of the web and when that content is successful you can begin to see opportunities to make money from it. However, there needs to be the right balance between content and the money-making tactics you put into motion. If do Read More

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