Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Very often an online entrepreneur has to search for a reliable SEO company. The point is that SEO services are highly demanded in any online business today. Website owners are ready to pay huge money to achieve high search engine rankings. Read More
There are many ways to segment your email list. This will allow you to customize content so that is more relevant to your readers. Read More
Need to re-energize a donor base that has lapsed? Here are a few strategies to win back donors who have suddenly stopped giving. Written by Sumac Research. Read More
Americans will spend an estimated $19.53 billion on pet food in 20111. The sale of natural and organic pet foods make up just a small percentage of the total amount Americans currently spend on pet food. However, partially due to the incidents in 2007 when people’s pets died from eating regular pet Read More
How many times have you heard ‘the money is in the list!’

Having a website or blog without a way to capture the details of visitors interested in finding out more is totally missing a chance to develop a loyal following of people clamouring to get more information, and even products and services Read More
you’ve set your sites any higher than one little promotion, good enough doesn’t make it easy to keep going. Good enough just makes you the lowest common denominator — it makes you just like everyone else.
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Many companies struggle to get their product the shelf space they need to succeed. Maybe the people you need to be talking to are not the store managers, but the customers who would buy your product and have them tell the store to order it. Read on. Read More
By now, most of us have seen the mobile barcode known as a Quick Response, or QR Code. After they start popping up in your local shopping mall (Guess stores), strip malls (Best Buy), on billboards (Calvin Klein), and in the media (CNN), it is hard not to notice. All of the exposure has been great to... Read More
Free Jay Abraham books One of the great marketing wizards of the age, Jay Abraham is offering free copies of two of his books and has asked me to share them with you. You can download them instantly. So, here are the links for the pdf copies: Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got and The Read More
I rarely, like to replicate a post here at Future Selling Institute from my Partners In EXCELLENCE Blog, but I'm borrowing one to announce this event. However on May 9-13, there is a remarkable event for all sales professionals. Both something that can benefit each person in their own personal a Read More

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