Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

While Facebook is king, Twitter has seen tremendous growth from local business owners and professionals who aim to build awareness for their products and services – as well as themselves. If you’re giving tweets a try, here are some vital tips and strategies to keep you from stubbing your Twitter t Read More
In years past, millions of smart, skilled immigrant entrepreneurs – including many from the world’s two most populous countries, China and India – came to the U.S. to get educated and start their own businesses. Now the turnstiles are rotating the other way. Here's why: Read More
15 real life interview questions that might make you laugh, or scratch your head. They sort of make you wonder what the interviewer was thinking. Read More
Okay, I know what you’re thinking. The last thing you need is another new high-tech doodad to figure out. Fortunately, quick response (QR) codes aren’t all that complicated, and the payoff for putting these handy (and free!) devices to work for your business could be powerful indeed. Here's the ins Read More
How does the way your small business handles its IT needs compare to what others are doing? A new study by Zoomerang Online Surveys and Polls, Cloud Computing and the Role of IT Professionals in Small- to Mid-Sized Businesses, sheds some light on the subject.
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Every entrepreneur wants to know how they can improve their odds on the road to success, and why some entrepreneurs seem to be able to squeeze success out of even a marginal business case. Most experts agree that is has lot to do with your level of passion, determination, and innovation, modulated Read More
Communication skills are important because you must gain the cooperative efforts of others.
Some people, because of their antagonistic communication styles, create more resistance and conflict than they do cooperation and harmonious effort.

Your goal is to succeed;
• In order to do that you mu Read More
Dimbler is a free meta social sharing tool that boosts your presence on FaceBook, Twitter, StumbleUpon and Digg. Read the review. Read More
Whether a well-read blog, a national newspaper or a community publication, traditional media still have the power to capture eyeballs and establish credibility. Here are some ways you can grab the attention of the media, and build relationships with key journalists in your industry. Read More
Twitter Contest and Follow Friday Favs I want to first say Thank You to Everyone that supported and participated in the contest, with your help it did MUCH Read More

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