Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The temptation for entrepreneurs to assume that once a startup or small business is online, the world is waiting to become customers can be quite overwhelming. Read More
In today’s social-crazed world, it seems nearly impossible to pass a street of billboards, get through a set of commercials or read an entire magazine without seeing an ad that ends with, “Visit us on Facebook!” Don’t get me wrong, being a digital marketer I encourage the use of social media, espec Read More
“By definition, a business that focuses on a niche market is supplying a need for a product or service that is not being dealt with by mainstream providers,” writes marketing consultant James D. Roumeliotis on the Whitefield Consulting Worldwide blog. That’s why the right kind of niche marketing le Read More
How do you stay competitive in an already overcrowded blogging arena? Here’s a set of quick tips to help get you started (and hopefully enthused). Read More
No, this post is not about how great CommentLuv plugin is or how to use it. Chances are you already know it and even have it installed on your blog. If not, here are a couple of  great posts for me by Gail Gardner of Growmap.com:
How CommentLuv Grows Businesses and Blogs and CommentLuv Secrets Lea Read More
Recent research from CityGrid Media gives some insight into how customers like to show support for local businesses online. Even more interesting is feedback on how customers find and choose local merchants. It's not all about Facebook just yet. Read More
The ability to get people to respond to e-mails, in my opinion, is an underrated talent and if you can do so without being accused of harassment or giving up an appendage (I do not suggest either), then you’ve stumbled across something. Read More
Entrepreneurs often have a tough time finding someone to fund their venture—many fail to do so but go ahead with the launch anyway, and then they run out of cash. Finding a reliable source of start-up capital is likely to be fundamental to your business's success. Read More
Being nagged by negative listings or bad reviews when people search for your company or products? This post walks you through how to diagnose and fix your search engine problems. Read More
In today's post John Jantsch covers in importance of receiving input and feedback as a small business owner. At times, it may feel like you have no one to turn to - but looking to your peers is an important aspect every small business owner should rely on. Read More

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