Georgescifo voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I feel like having a bit of a rant about Fakebook today... I know a lot of people love Facebook. So this email might upset a few. Oh well, it needed to be said. Read More
Companies have to react faster on market changes and act not only on present but also on future challenges. Organisations can turn to Big Data for help. Read More
Businesses without a strong why often go up in smoke because there is nothing to pull the entrepreneur forward and motivate her on a consistent basis. Read More
Did you know that 99% of Small Business Owners are getting LinkedIn all wrong? Join me for a free training call on Thursday, January 16th, 2014, 10 am EST, to learn 10 strategies to increase your leads by 200% in 2014 Read More
If you're on the path to building a productivity app, insights from entrepreneurs who have already built a successful productivity app will help you build a successful one. Read More
Some Technology Resolutions and project ideas to help your business run smoothly and more securely in 2014. Read More
After years of hard work, you are finally ready to sell your business and move on to the next challenge.

A smart business professional knows that his business is only as valuable as it is perceived to be. Read More
Robert Brady muses about how hard it is sometimes to explain to people what he does for a living. He's a Google AdWords Certified Partner offering PPC management services, or, as he sometimes tells people, "I’m the guy who puts ads on search engine results.” But if there's one thing harder than fig Read More
As part of our Bloggers Ideas interview series, today we have Amanda Disilvestro who is content marketing queen and currently working for She had also recently guest post on my blog. Check out her guest post: blogging myths. She will be discussing various techniques about SEO, Read More
This is a very difficult question to answer. And if you have to ask it, says Marilyn Thompson, perhaps you're not cut out for this whole blogging thing in the first place. But then again, if you're blogging for your business, it's not just a matter of doing it as a hobby, is it? Here's what Marilyn Read More

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