Jacks2015 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The undeniable fact is that no business can survive without customers. It is much easier for a loyal customer to become a brand advocate, which could lead to many more customers and sales. So this article is about how a business can increase customer loyalty and gain indispensable brand advocate. Read More
An ideal way to promote your social presence is to interact with an increasing number of customers and develop a communal atmosphere. At the same time, it is also vital for your customers to interact with you. Here are some tips to ensure this two-way engagement with social media.
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The rise of crowdfunding in the last three to five years as a source of capital has been remarkable. Tech startups and potential investors have had greater access to one another than ever before, and beyond the startup world, a broad array of projects have been able to successfully seek capital via Read More

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