Leonesimmy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

"With the exorbitant amount of User-generated content being published daily, there’s no question that social marketing is a valuable platform for targeted advertising, lead generation and two-way engagement."
Here's an infographic created by brightkit explaining how to drive value with social medi Read More
Since mobile phones rarely leave users' sides, it naturally makes them the most efficient point of contact for marketers. Read More
Learn what’s going on in Docker, enjoy the World Cup with thrilling new offers like coupons and giveaways and determine whether SaaS is worth for you. Read More
You want the emails that you send out to be EAGERLY opened and CONSUMED by your raving fans, right? Last time I talked about the first step to that. (If you missed it last week, click here to read that step now.) Now for the next step! Read More
7 Mobile Marketing Sins to Avoid #Infographics : A listing of pitfalls to avoid with mobile marketing to help you create a more sound marketing strategy that is Read More

Flipboard App Organizes Online Reading

Avatar Posted by esheckler under Technology
From https://saltsha.com 3754 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on June 30, 2014 5:18 pm
Ever look at your computer screen and find that you have about 15 tabs open and you can’t remember which one is what? What about the times on your phone, flipping back and forth from app to app? Want an answer to keeping it all straight? Flipboard is an app for multi-tab users everywhere. Read More
Search engine optimization is not just about keywords, it is about improving prominence in search results through a range of many different methods. Video has become extremely compelling medium to have because it engages potential customers, increases online visibility and improves search engine ra Read More

3 Steps for Viral Marketing on Pinterest

Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Social Media
From http://smartmarketerz.com 3754 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on June 27, 2014 12:35 am
After Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites, it is now Pinterest, which is gaining popularity.
It is making businesses and SEOs sit up and take notice.
The demographics of this site show that it has nearly 96% female subscribers. That leaves a paltry 4% males.
But this is not somet Read More

SMART Social Media Marketing Plan

Avatar Posted by johnfaust under Social Media
From http://iphonedeveloperperth.wordpress.com 3754 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on June 27, 2014 2:55 am
For small business, start up and solo entrepreneurs, increasing social media followers is difficult. It requires the knowledge of the process and time to do the campaign. Read More
How much time every day do we spend comparing ourselves to others?

If you’re like me, it’s a lot more than you’d like.

Danny’s blog gets more traffic than mine (and started it more recently than I did).
Jason from college is more successful than I am.
Alice from high school is getting marri Read More

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