Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As you all know, content is king in online marketing. Your quality content can bring a lot of opportunities for your business. So read the sign that can tell you whether your content is SEO friendly or not. Read More
Payment Card Roll Call: “Not Present” fraud likely to increase as EMV takes hold No retailer wants to become the next Target (pun intended).  Payment card fraud costs businesses and consumers billions of dollars every year.  What’s even more frightening, many of the breaches in the news are the res Read More
Have you ever noticed how some cities seem younger than others? Millennials tend to flock to the same cities to start their businesses. Find out the best ones. Read More
Want to turn $100 Into $1000 or more online? Looking for a way to make more money online? Then this is the only one article you should read right now. Read More
Which type of social media manager are you? The SEO-minded, the advertiser or the social butterfly?

Take a look at this infographic that illustrates the 7 different types of social media managers seen in the industry, and compare your strengths and weaknesses to the other manager types or use th Read More
Nellie Akalp, CEO of, shares 7 end-of-year tax moves for freelancers on the Freshbooks blog Read More

23 things you learn working in content marketing

Avatar Posted by Lisa256 under Marketing
From 3240 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on November 19, 2015 12:51 am
Sometimes working in marketing is a thankless art. Your friends think you spend all day drinking coffee and you might have to work with some real weirdos. With more than two years working in digital agencies under my belt, let’s take a look at 23 things you learn working in content marketing.

Be Read More
If marketing is supposed to drive sales like crazy, then why isn’t all your hard work paying off? In this free webinar, Tyler Garns reveals the 18 keys that every small business needs to stop wasting time and money—and unlock REAL marketing results. Webinar airs November 18th, 1pm EST. Read More
There’s no doubt about it. Social media has transformed the way small businesses market to their target audiences and interact with customers.

But the elephant in the room has always been the amount of time you must invest to do social media right.

Fortunately, you can save time on social med Read More
Before going to a bank or other lender for franchise financing, have all your ducks in a row by answering these 5 questions from the Franchise Direct blog on franchising. Read More

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