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Money-Making Franchise Opportunities Part 2: Choosing

Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From 3240 days ago
Made Hot by: MasterMinuteman on November 19, 2015 2:46 pm
Do you have any idea how many different franchise opportunities there are?
Most of us (in franchising) put the number of franchise opportunities available at 3,000-give or take a hundred. How the heck are you supposed to choose one? Read. Read More
Regardless of how meetings are organized and how long they last, they are challenging for participants. What can you do to be more effective in meetings? The answer lies in learning to be a more persuasive communicator. You can do at least five things to improve your communication skills. Read More
Starting with online marketing and the basic marketing methods to implement for the best way of earning money online from home. View Today. Read More
How many times have you heard or suspected that a certain entrepreneur was just lucky? Without fully discounting that random good things sometimes happen, I’m a firm believer that great entrepreneurs make their own luck. The smart ones get some extra support early on critical decisions, and work a Read More
Many of the web hosting companies currently operating, promise to deliver a lot, such as unlimited storage, uninterrupted uptime, technical support, and proper customer care, but it can be hard to know whether these companies will really live up to everything they promise. Read More
While Silicon Valley gets most of the attention, there are plenty of other areas that are equally conducive to launching a startup. Yes, Silicon Valley is filled to the brim with resources, but it’s also expensive and over saturated. If you really want to provide your startup with a strong foundati Read More
While Silicon Valley gets most of the attention, there are plenty of other areas that are equally conducive to launching a startup. Yes, Silicon Valley is filled to the brim with resources, but it’s also expensive and over saturated. If you really want to provide your startup with a strong foundati Read More

The 10 Essential Content Marketing Apps You Need - Tweak Your Biz

Avatar Posted by GetApp under Online Marketing
From 3241 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on November 18, 2015 9:43 am
To help we’ve put together our favorite content marketing apps to help you craft the best editorial and get it seen by the people that matter to you business. Read More

How to Manage Freelancers Without Losing Your Mind

Avatar Posted by ronsela under Management
From 3241 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on November 18, 2015 10:01 am
How do you manage a freelance web programmer? What’s the best tool for managing a freelance contributing writer or a guest blogger? How about an outsourced mobile-app design studio? And how do you make the most out of a freelance SEO expert? Read More
The idea behind Pumpkin Hacking your way to a top ranking (or just to be ranked) in Google’s search index, is that you create content that you think your target audience will want and that solves a problem for them. Then, over time, identify and focus on build more content on and around those top p Read More

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