Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

So, what should you do if you want a piece of this lucrative market? Here are 5 tips on starting a new eco energy business in the U.S. Read More
This month is all about social media at the Content Marketing Podcast, and today we're sharing best practices for rocking your content on Facebook. Read More
What is the best way to become an entrepreneur?
If you are part of the 9% percent of Americans who will take the plunge to become an entrepreneur, you have a decision to make.
Will you start a business from nothing or buy one?
But, which one is the better option and why? Read More

25 Budget-Friendly Local Business Marketing Strategies

Avatar Posted by DaveEdwards under Marketing
From 3486 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on March 17, 2015 9:08 am
Marketing is the key to success for just about any local business.

In fact, it’s often the only difference between a business that flies, or one that dies.

A great idea, product or service will ultimately fail if your audience isn’t even aware you exist or fails to understand why they should Read More
Entrepreneurs need to stay on top of their game in order to be successful, but in today’s world where there are thousands of sources for all sorts of information, it might sometimes be difficult to know where to start. Or even what to read about. However, podcasts are the way to go, as you can list Read More

Speak Up: Using Public Speaking to Grow your Business

Avatar Posted by previsomedia under Marketing
From 3486 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on March 16, 2015 5:49 pm
Forget traditional marketing. Here is a great way to promote your business that many people overlook: Public speaking. Read More
There Is So Much Profit Hidden In This One Word. The following is a true story. The names have been changed to protect the innocent idiot. Read More
As a business owner, you will be faced with many challenges in business.
There are many companies that are hiring professional valuation services to get exact business valuations done. Read More
It was announced at the end of last month that Google has finally introduced mobile friendliness as a ranking factor, meaning websites will now be ranked according to their mobile compatibility. But, this change should not have come as a shock, the search engine giant had previously made it clear t Read More
To help answer common questions about the kinds of returns companies are seeing on their marketing automation investment, pardot has created the following infographic. Take a look to see some recent statistics from industry analysts, as well as a quick overview of some of the main features and bene Read More

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