Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When Jack Halpern started working in a nursing home at age 24, he quickly formed friendships with many of the residents.
And although the nursing home where he worked was great by industry standards, many of the residents weren’t cared for in the way they really wanted. It was then that he realize Read More
Paperwork is the bane of the modern office. Today, Adobe says 7 in 10 employees would seek other employment just to be rid of it.
What’s more, the company says its data shows 83 percent of workers believe antiquated paperwork and the processes behind it are slowing them down at work.
Adobe hopes Read More

5 of Your Biggest Startup Problems Solved

Avatar Posted by brianhughes116 under Strategy
From 3479 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on March 21, 2015 12:05 pm
Ah, money. As a start-up owner, some days it can seem like you’re spending money faster than you can possibly hope to make it. You know you need to be strategic about how you allocate financial resources in order to get the biggest bang for each dollar... Read More
Everyone certainly has the capacity to write killer AdWord ads, but it’s not as simple as successful companies make it seem sometimes.

Pay per click advertising through platforms like Google AdWords can be quite lucrative – the problem is that success in PPC is all or nothing.Creating killer adw Read More
Working for a social cause is one of the most novel endeavors, and NGOs like CARE, Ashoka, Smile foundation, BRAC foundation etc, are working tirelessly to bring about social changes and development of the poor. However to successfully execute their work to help the poor and downtrodden, they need Read More
I’ll never forget what I was thinking when I found out that I had to use a Tape, a CD, a DVD, even a Self Replicated Website, to be successful in Home Based Business…
I thought to myself, “So everybody uses the exact same presentation to make money? That’s different.”
Read more... Read More

My Favorite Patreon Profiles

Avatar Posted by PASAngelique under Startups
From 3480 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on March 20, 2015 1:45 pm
"How many creators today would love to have the modern equivalent of a court patron, a wealthy benefactor such as a king who supported the musician, writer, or artist while they created their work?" Read More
Welcome to the fourth installment of our advertising series! We’ve reviewed Facebook and LinkedIn so far, and today shift our focus to Twitter. How can 140 characters move the needle on your small business bottom line? We’re here to show you. Read More
You can do your daily social media and build relationships now while working strategically toward your goals. Your goals and milestones should be clearly laid out in your social media plan so you can stay on track. Today’s blog explains why you need a plan and the essential items to include. Read More

How to Become a Small Business Government Contractor of Choice

Avatar Posted by Caron_Beesley under Management
From 3480 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on March 23, 2015 8:54 am
So you think you're ready to sell to the government, but is the government ready to buy from you?

Government buyers are a discerning group. Here are some extra steps you might want to consider to boost your chances of being perceived as the winning choice, not the risky one: Read More

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