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Generally we set a link to external resource to provide reference to something which can provide a better insight on the topic, but if the link opens in the same window your users will move to the linked site and they may not come back. Read More
Generally we set a link to external resource to provide reference to something which can provide a better insight on the topic, but if the link opens in the same window your users will move to the linked site and they may not come back. Read More

Get More Done With These 5 Productivity Apps

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Management
From 3496 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on March 5, 2015 8:55 am
Everyone wants to do more in less time. Luckily, with a tablet or phone stapled to our hands or wrapped around our wrists, it’s become easier to get more done with just a few taps of a finger. Here are five productivity apps that keep you better organized, on the go, productive, and in control. Read More
Digital disruption may be the only possibility for future business success as the barriers to market entry are being blown wide open. Competitors both large and small are rushing in grab a share of the market, so every business has to have a strategy in the digital marketing landscape.Bye now, most Read More
When a franchise is profitable, the natural thought for many franchisees is "Can I expand?" In his March post, The Franchise King discusses the choices that must be made when considering franchise expansion. Read More
You’re probably chuckling at the idea of a high-powered advertising executive basing important decisions about millions of dollars’ worth of client projects on Mrs. Partner’s personal likes and dislikes. But I’d invite you to ask yourself if you may be guilty of a similar approach with your own com Read More
Ridiculously simple, but highly effective methods and strategies to get the most out of your working day. If you are not using these time hacks to make the most of your screen time, you are seriously missing out. Read More
Disappointed with your opening rate? Here are 5 reasons why your readers are not opening your e-mails Read More

How Does Your Small Business Generate New Ideas?

Avatar Posted by smpayton under Self-Development
From 3496 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on March 5, 2015 9:15 am
Being able to generate new ideas in creative ways is essential for the growth of your small business. Read More
The very best content marketers think outside the box -- and they do it in a big way. Here's why that's so important.
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