Maestro68 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As part of our BloggersIdeas interview series, today we Victoria Galperina here, she is the Affiliate Manager at SEMrush. She is managing Communication with current partners, search for new affiliates, answering incoming inquiries through contact form. Also spare time to teach conversational Englis Read More
You have a business. You have a successful business. You have overcome challenges and learned what works and what does not. Every day your competitors are advancing and if you do nothing, your business will be left behind. Read More
Gone are the days where department heads were the only bridge between departments. Or are they? Many small businesses seem to model their processes after bigger companies, in the hopes that they'll grow into them. But there are good reasons why lateral communication is good for your startup or smal Read More

The 2nd Annual Virtual Bloggers Conference Sessions

The 2nd Annual Virtual Bloggers Conference Sessions - Avatar Posted by mallton under Online Marketing
From 3645 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on July 5, 2014 3:10 pm
Throughout the weekend of June 27th - 29th, an amazing collection of expert speakers and panelists came together to share their knowledge and wit and wisdom with all of us bloggers. In this, the second annual Virtual Bloggers Conference, Chef Dennis Littley once again assembled an incredible series Read More
How would you like to get attention from the media? We are living in a time when hiring a publicist is just about unnecessary. Christina Daves and I have a much needed conversation about how you can get a lot of attention from the media without hiring a publicist. We have a lot to talk about, so I' Read More
The sick leave, the reduced productivity, and other by-products of following and actually watching football matches is costly for business. How costly? Read More
The sick leave, the reduced productivity, and other by-products of following and actually watching football matches is costly for business. How costly? Read More
With the estimated 510 million live websites at last year-end, and 280,000 new ones being added every day, the biggest challenge for an entrepreneur is to get found, and get some credibility for a new startup. I can attest from experience that publishing a regular blog to properly showcase your bra Read More
No business can survive without satisfied customers. Read how franchises Kona Ice and Mosquito Joe satisfy customers by providing them relief in their own respective ways. Read More
If you’re being driven nuts by someone at work who sulks, procrastinates and writes you snarky emails, it could be that you’re dealing with a passive-aggressive personality type. The only thing that makes it worse is if that person is your boss. It’s time to learn to handle such behavior and not l Read More

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