Maestro68 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Facebook Emotion Experiment Causes Outrage

Facebook Emotion Experiment Causes Outrage  - Avatar Posted by Xen under Online Marketing
From 3638 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on July 8, 2014 11:51 am
It’s emerged that social network Facebook conducted an experiment into its users’ emotions and the effect of posts on them. The study ran for a week and the site deliberately skewed the appearance of users’ newsfeeds to look at the effect of positive and negative posts. Anger ensued. Read More
As a business owner or manager, your employees are under your leadership and are your responsibility. While many businesses will conduct different trainings throughout the year to teach different parts of the systems or update everyone on new health insurance benefits, there are other beneficial th Read More
Because there is no definitive guide to pricing, rather than create my own list, I believe you will get more out of considering what the price you choose will mean for you and your business, and how it will play a key role in terms of attracting your target audience. Read More
When I was a franchise broker, several of my candidates-notice I didn't say “clients,” because they weren’t, would ask me a question that I didn't like answering. Read this post to see what it was, and why I didn't like answering it. Read More

10 Surprising and Important Social Media Stats You Need To Know

10 Surprising and Important Social Media Stats You Need To Know - Avatar Posted by CateCosta under Social Media
From 3638 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on July 8, 2014 3:02 pm
You’re likely to find a sea of statistics for social media—I know I’m amazed at how many are out there. My favorite finds are those that are just a bit surprising or unique or even counterintuitive.

I’ve saved some of the best social media stats I’ve found over the past few months and I’m happy Read More
When you need to find a good and most important a profitable niche to build your online business with it, then make sure to look in-depth and compare things. Read More
Businesses love to talk about customer service. It is what every company wants to be known for. Why, then, do so many fail miserably at this one thing? What makes customer service so hard to actually achieve?

The idea behind the concept does not seem that hard. Make your customers happy; make th Read More
As part of our BloggersIdeas interview series, today we Victoria Galperina here, she is the Affiliate Manager at SEMrush. She is managing Communication with current partners, search for new affiliates, answering incoming inquiries through contact form. Also spare time to teach conversational Englis Read More
You have a business. You have a successful business. You have overcome challenges and learned what works and what does not. Every day your competitors are advancing and if you do nothing, your business will be left behind. Read More
Gone are the days where department heads were the only bridge between departments. Or are they? Many small businesses seem to model their processes after bigger companies, in the hopes that they'll grow into them. But there are good reasons why lateral communication is good for your startup or smal Read More

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