Modernbusinesslife voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Everyone from small businesses, to bloggers, to politicians, to Fortune 500 companies have realized the growing importance and potential of these channels of marketing. If history is any indicator of the future then, it is important for those looking to leverage this medium to analyze other people's successes in these areas. Below is a compilati Read More

Top Golf Quotes For Business and Personal Success

Avatar Posted by modernbusiness under Self-Development
From 5630 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 1, 2009 9:41 pm
Over the years, people have been constantly drawing the comparisons between the game of golf, and the game of life. Golf is, to be certain, a unique sport with an almost mystical ability to raise the curtain on a person's integrity, decision making abilities, mental fortitude, honesty, and general personality. How a person acts, and reacts on a Read More

Building Your Small Business Web Team for Success

Avatar Posted by modernbusiness under Startups
From 5635 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 24, 2009 10:28 pm
Large corporations do typically have departments that handle many different roles with regard to websites development and promotion. These roles may include employees from the IT department, development team, and the marketing department. However, while this seems like a robust, expensive, and potentially complex setup— these roles can be distil Read More

How Man Really Got to the Moon: An Exercise in Goal Setting

Avatar Posted by modernbusiness under Self-Development
From 5639 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 18, 2009 5:44 pm
On May 25th of 1961, President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress and announced his intention to place a man on the moon, and return him to earth safely, prior to the end of the decade. Goal setting is an art, and an exercise in self belief to be sure. However, it is also a discipline which can be learned, and in the opinion of this author, the g Read More
This is a call out to anyone in this field who feels that they are an expert and authority on these SEO, or any business owners who would like to refer a company they have experience exceptional results with. Submit your company name here to be interviewed for possible inclusion in the book by Brad Martin titled, "Hybrid:The Modern Small Busin Read More
I am consistently floored by the ease of use, customization, and expandability of Wordpress not only as a blog, but as a viable business website.  With the ability to quickly change themes and styles, add pages, and manage content from an administrative console, I am finding it harder and harder to come across reason not to leverage this technolog Read More
In 1644, Rene Descartes wrote the line ”Cogito, ero sum” in his work “The Principals of Philosophy” which translates to English as, “I Think Therefore I Am”. While Descartes was stating this philosophy in reference to human existence and being, the quote can be equally applied to business... Read More
You can demand a raise through your actions by making it so clear that you deserve one, that being denied it would border on lunacy on your boss' behalf. Below, is a framework for making the argument that you deserve a raise. This is done by utilizing the “R.A.I.S.E.” method.... Read More

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