Mssux voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The Darth Vader Approach to Marketing

The Darth Vader Approach to Marketing - Avatar Posted by eleanorpie under Marketing
From 3718 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on May 6, 2014 12:41 am
Darth Vader is a powerful pop culture image, and the Darth Vader brand crosses all ages, cultures, and social groups. Find out how sight, sound and brand association make the Vader brand so powerful, and how you can emulate 'the dark side' in your marketing. Read More

Twitter Profiles Revamped: What That Means For The Future

Twitter Profiles Revamped: What That Means For The Future  - Avatar Posted by mmangen under Social Media
From 3734 days ago
Made Hot by: zioncampo on April 18, 2014 8:20 am
Twitter’s rollout of new profile layouts is a signal of things to come. Rewards for engagement, pinned Tweets and a Facebook-like look. What’s next? Read More
Whether you need to promote your brand, share event pictures, connect with your clients or create a buzz, social media marketing is a necessity and not an option any more. Read More

How To Connect A Domain Name To Your Web Hosting Account

How To Connect A Domain Name To Your Web Hosting Account - Avatar Posted by Carol_Amato under Resources
From 3734 days ago
Made Hot by: Squawk Media on April 18, 2014 3:45 am
In this specific video we are going to be talking about connecting your domain name to your web hosting account. Read More

101 Massively Useful Link Building Ideas

101 Massively Useful Link Building Ideas - Avatar Posted by marcandre under Online Marketing
From 3734 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on April 17, 2014 7:30 am
If you want to get more traffic to your website or blog link building is something that should be a priority. This article lists and discusses 101 different ways that you can go about getting links from other sites. Read More
What are the nuts and bolts of a social media management strategy?

It’s a common question and one that oftentimes gets swept under the rug amidst the general social media hoopla. After all, small business owners can be forgiven for thinking their “strategy” should simply include, say, three or f Read More

3 Most Important Traits Of Successful Content

3 Most Important Traits Of Successful Content - Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From 3734 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on April 17, 2014 8:06 am
There's a lot that goes into creating successful content but if we break it down into 3 core elements, what do we get? Learn more in this post and more importantly, let us know what you think makes successful content. Read More

How much money can you make with a blog?

How much money can you make with a blog?  - Avatar Posted by enstine under Online Marketing
From 3735 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on April 17, 2014 8:37 am
How many blogs do you have and how many are making you money? Can you generate a comfortable income just with one blog? Must one have more blogs before being able to earn a full time income blogging? Let me hear your thoughts Read More

5 Strategies to Streamline Your Business -- Cheaply

5 Strategies to Streamline Your Business -- Cheaply - Avatar Posted by smpayton under Management
From 3735 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on April 18, 2014 4:22 am
Your business can be more productive without you spending too much money. Implement these strategies to be more efficient and streamlined. Read More
Here you find a list of awesome free tools you can use to trigger the great potential of Twitter and a list of useful tips to boost your social media presence. Read More

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