Mssux voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Small Business Owners - Do These 6 Things, I Dare You

Small Business Owners - Do These 6 Things, I Dare You - Avatar Posted by GeeklessTech under Social Media
From 3616 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on August 15, 2014 10:30 am
I dare you to do these 6 things on any weekday while keeping your business running at the same time. Can you do that every single day and still run your business? If so, you’re in great shape . . . As long as you actually do it. If you can’t imagine doing all of that every day yourself, then fill o Read More

Spotlight: Black Mermaid Soaps Says Bathing is Beautiful

Spotlight: Black Mermaid Soaps Says Bathing is Beautiful - Avatar Posted by maplesummit under Success Stories
From 3617 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on August 14, 2014 9:12 am
Have you ever had a hobby that you thought just might work as a business? Denise Zannu was once a schoolteacher who simply enjoyed making soap for herself. Now she has a full business with multiple product lines including soap and other bath and body products as well. She’s been in business almost Read More
If your company is a B-to-B company and you are not fully leveraging LinkedIn, your company is not growing as quickly as it could. You may also be losing business. Let me explain why I think this is the case. Read More

Five Ways to Use Twitter to Build Credibility

Five Ways to Use Twitter to Build Credibility - Avatar Posted by smpayton under Social Media
From 3618 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on August 15, 2014 12:26 pm
Whew! Social networks are huge and only getting bigger. Twitter has proven that it is a great way to reach an audience, but how can you use Twitter to build credibility over time if you have more to contribute than jokes, memes or mean tweets directed at celebrities? One of the first rules of usefu Read More

Writing copy back asswards

Writing copy back asswards  - Avatar Posted by ScottDudley under Direct Marketing
From 3619 days ago
Made Hot by: MasterMinuteman on August 13, 2014 1:04 am
It's so easy to get this wrong... When writing advertisements or emails, the first thing some copywriters think about is the product. Read More

Do You Know Who’s Writing Content for Your Brand?

Do You Know Who’s Writing Content for Your Brand?  - Avatar Posted by Kimberly721 under Online Marketing
From 3620 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on August 15, 2014 1:20 pm
Who's in charge of creating your brand's story? Too many small businesses, entrepreneurs and startups trust the delicate reputation of their brand to the wrong people. Find out how to avoid that and make sure your'e not getting taken for a ride, being charged way more than you should for subpar res Read More

Create a Customer Focused Marketing Strategy

Create a Customer Focused Marketing Strategy - Avatar Posted by sh4ddai under Marketing
From 3640 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on July 17, 2014 5:19 pm
Staying competitive in any industry requires a strategy that revolves around customers. When things aren’t working or you’re not hitting your monthly targets, chances are you’re not listening to your clients. Read More
Prostores is being shut down by eBay in February, 2015. Advise from top SEO Bill Hartzer: MOVE NOW. Find out why in this post about the top three alternatives for Prostore users including one that will make this change into an increase instead of a loss of income. Read More
The latest of the ‘big’ social media networks, Google Plus, is one of the most feature rich platforms available and a great asset to any business active in social media. The problem is that Google Plus for business has not been adopted as widely as other social networks like Facebook and so most pe Read More

How to Share or Curate Content From Instagram

How to Share or Curate Content From Instagram - Avatar Posted by ScottScanlon under Online Marketing
From 3667 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on June 20, 2014 5:08 pm
One of the best ways to create fresh and dynamic curated content is to curate from social media sources such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Instagram. In this post and video I’ll share how you can easily share content from Instagram and how you can find content to curate from Instagram. Read More

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