P3ssi0n voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Are you using the niche social bookmarking sites to get exposure and drive more blog traffic? Join the party and start sharing and interacting on these communities. Read More

Why Do Sales Managers Exist?

Why Do Sales Managers Exist?  - http://partnersinexcellenceblog.com Avatar Posted by dabrock under Sales
From http://partnersinexcellenceblog.com 4630 days ago
Made Hot by: James John on September 3, 2011 5:40 pm
To my mind, the sole reason sales managers exist is to manage performance. It's to assure each person on their team is achieving the highest levels of performance and reaching their full potential. It's to assure their people can achieve their goals and objectives. There is simply no other reason t Read More
In the recent Armageddon-themed thriller starring John Cusack, “2012″ is the year to fear, but when it comes to health insurance reform, 2014 is the big date that small business owners need to be wary of. Why? Because that’s when the “pay or play” aspect of the Patient Protection and Affordable Car Read More

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