Pikzdziz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Augmented reality has quite a long future ahead of it, but it is already changing at least one part of the retail game: the customer experience. Read More
At some point, all businesses need to raise capital. Luckily, there are a number of ways to raise money online these days. Here's exactly why you should be fundraising online and the most successful ways to go about doing it. Read More
We discuss how the stories of how Scarlett & Stephen went from dreams to success with a six figure business in their early twenties. Read More

Webinar: Vending Success Secrets of the Pros

Webinar: Vending Success Secrets of the Pros - http://www.amequipmentsales.com Avatar Posted by tomshark under Startups
From http://www.amequipmentsales.com 3830 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on January 10, 2014 4:53 pm
Three vending professionals will be sharing their success secrets about operations, sales, marketing, equipment purchasing and other things you need to know. Plus a large Q&A session. Read More
I’ve been advising and mentoring startups and growth companies for years, and find myself always pushing them to try something new, for the sake of growth and survival. When you try new things, you make mistakes, and I’ve seen many. Smart companies learn from their own mistakes, but some don’t pay Read More
Agreement is overrated. You can get an audience to value and appreciate an idea by letting them try to shoot it down. Sometimes stirring up a disagreement is the best way to gain an agreement. Here’s how to shake things up! Read More
Everyone’s heard the refrain “cash is king” when it comes to running a small business and it certainly can be true. There are many new or small companies that are profitable but are still forced to close their doors because they didn’t manage their cash flow appropriately. That’s why careful cashfl Read More
A start up business is the new school in our modern day with immense potential and opportunity for education, skill learning and business building. Israel is a showcase for this model. Read More
Online donations to nonprofits in November and December 2013 increased 16% compared to the same time period in 2012. With online fundraising on the rise, here are some proven methods to help you take your online donations to the next level in 2014. Read More

Taking A High Open Rate To The Bank

Taking A High Open Rate To The Bank - http://locostmarketing.com Avatar Posted by ScottDudley under Direct Marketing
From http://locostmarketing.com 3830 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on January 9, 2014 2:54 pm
Got a question the other day from a subscriber: "Scott, I have noticed on my statistics that my click through rate is usually only around 5% or less. Read More

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