Profmarketing voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Unleash the power of email marketing. How To Setup Lead Magnet WithIn Blog Post Using LeadPages - eAskme Read More
When was the last time you received an old-school offline gift, wrapped in paper with ribbons, with a hand-written card inside? Can you remember your feelings when you started to unwrap the present? This excitement, desire to look inside. You’re an adult now, but you’re still thrilled. That feeling Read More
The executive summary is one of the most critical sections of a business plan — this is where you either hook your investor, or let them slip away. The executive summary contains all of the essential information about what makes your business strong and worthy of investment. Read More

Twitter now lets you Retweet with Comments

Twitter now lets you Retweet with Comments - Avatar Posted by zubinkutar under Online Marketing
From 3374 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on April 12, 2015 2:57 am
Twitter’s new feature now lets you retweet with comments, giving you the option to share your views with your followers. Read More
A data entry services company must have policies in place that put a premium on quality output; accuracy standards must be widely communicated within the organization. Here are five ways to ensure consistency and quality in your company's data entry efforts. Read More
The message to business owners with respect to inbound marketing is commit for the long haul or don't waste your time and money. Beware of anyone who tells you otherwise. In the long run, if you're not doing inbound marketing, I would wager that your competition is. The question is are you in it fo Read More
What does it take to start a location independent business?Pauline Paquin is a serial blogger. She was born and raised in Paris. Pauline has traveled around the world and now lives in Guatemala.I love her story because she is building her business to support her lifestyle as opposed to many entrepr Read More
Earlier this month, we learned about the most popular beers in the U.S., and now we’re going global. Wine and beverage info site Vinepair released an infographic called Every Country’s Most Popular Beer, which maps favorite beers worldwide.

Do you have worldmap of your business products / indust Read More
Your business relies on how quickly and easily people can find it online because one of the keys to being found online lies in the way your website is optimized for search engines. Read More
I started my blog 4 months ago and I never even imagined I would get serious with it. I have shared my juicy little secrets which I used to make my blog better and much evolved.

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