Profmarketing voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Key Principles of Office Space Planning

Key Principles of Office Space Planning  - Avatar Posted by jamesosgood under Management
From 3375 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on April 12, 2015 3:09 pm
Thoughtful office space planning will not only enhance employee job satisfaction and employee engagement, foster recruitment and retention of top quality employees, but also positively affect the bottom line. Read More

Reasons to Create a System Backed by Gold and Silver - Part 1

Reasons to Create a System Backed by Gold and Silver - Part 1 - Avatar Posted by JohnPaul under Finance
From 3375 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on April 12, 2015 3:10 pm
Investors have long understood that Gold and Silver are an excellent hedge against inflation.
The analysis is straightforward and we will break it all down to help you better understand it all in a 2 Part post. This is Part 1 Read More
Most businesses are behind the mark when it comes to SEO, content marketing, blogging, and other digital marketing techniques. Even large companies struggle to keep up with trends and the most effective Internet marketing strategies. Amazingly, you will find many mid to even enterprise companies th Read More
With the new Google algorithm update right around the corner its now more important than ever to have a website thats mobile friendly. Here are 6 reasons we always recommend a responsive design. Read More
At this point, you might have read ideas about startups, studied your target market, or might even setup your own website and email. Let this guide provide you with ideas on what kind of business you can setup online. Read More
Recently i published a post listing the most used social media apps on android and today i’ll be narrowing it down to the most used Google apps. Here i’ll be highlighting the most used of all ‪‎Google‬ ‪‎apps‬ on ‪android. Read More
When you pitch a startup to angel investors, you want to get questions. If you don’t get questions then your pitch fell flat and nobody is interested. So plan on answering questions—and hope you have some to answer!
Read More
Ah, Spring has sprung! Time for refreshing our minds and our small businesses. Our friend and fellow ‪#‎Mompreneur‬ Saskia Gregory blessed our blog INSPIRED with a guest post on "5 Ways To Spring Clean Your Small Business." Read More

How To Target Lost Customers Who Abandon Your Shopping Cart

How To Target Lost Customers Who Abandon Your Shopping Cart - Avatar Posted by JohnPaul under Sales
From 3377 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on April 10, 2015 10:13 am
You go to the supermarket, spend your valuable time finding those daily essentials (as well as the impulse purchases, you get to the checkout….and then decide to leave the store, leaving behind a full basket of groceri Read More
On-demand video is yesterday's news. Here's how smart brands are taking video content to the next level by going live. Read More

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