Profmarketing voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Spending money to get widespread reach on your paid advertising doesn’t necessarily mean you’re making your money back on those campaigns.

This post is all about showing you how to track the effectiveness of your campaigns to make sure you are delivering a return on investment. Read More
Advertising on Facebook is not as simple or straightforward as one might think. Much like the internet itself, Facebook undergoes several updates a year. These constant revisions include interface improvement and new features to fit the interests and browsing patterns of internet users today. Read More

Why 5 minutes of 'Goo-diligence' will save your startup thousands

Why 5 minutes of \'Goo-diligence\' will save your startup thousands  - Avatar Posted by hcordner under Startups
From 3379 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on April 5, 2015 11:28 am
I now live by the rule of “Goo-diligence.” Whenever have a new idea or am asked for feedback on someone else’s, I won’t move forward without a quick search on Google. I hate to say it, but many of my “great ideas” have stopped before they ever started because of things I’ve found in less than five Read More

Getting Started with Instagram - A Tutorial

Getting Started with Instagram - A Tutorial - Avatar Posted by Ileane under Social Media
From 3379 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on April 6, 2015 1:25 pm
Instagram is taking the lead when it comes to engagement on social networks. The good news is that getting started with Instagram is pretty easy to do. On Instagram liking and commenting hold more value than they do on other networks, simply because it’s the only action most people can take. In thi Read More
Speaking to the right audience is important. You might know that audience, but do you know how they want to be spoken to? Getting the right tone and words right is an essential step in the content marketing strategy. Learn why it is important and what might impact your choice. Read More
As a copywriter, I get asked a lot of questions about the “right way” to do things in regards to punctuation, grammar and style. My answer to many of these questions is generally the same: It’s not so much what you do as how you do it. Read More
PhoCusWright and Expedia Media Solutions break down the landscape, trends, key drivers of change, challenges and opportunities within the travel advertising industry.
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Data management and Analytics ROI are currently the two primary challenges that brick-and-mortar retail businesses are encountering. Read More
If you're in sales, you're in prospecting. If you are going to prospect in B2B, you're going to need to master a range of techniques, not put your hope into one. Read More
If you're in sales, you're in prospecting. If you are going to prospect in B2B, you're going to need to master a range of techniques, not put your hope into one. Read More

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