Profmarketing voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Saying yes to every client and project could hurt your business more than it might help it. Here are four perfectly good reasons to turn work away. Read More

4 Brands Capitalising On User-Generated Content

4 Brands Capitalising On User-Generated Content - Avatar Posted by Webpresence under Online Marketing
From 3373 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on April 17, 2015 3:32 pm
User-generated content is something more and more brands are considering for marketing. Here's how some big brands are using it to their advantage. Read More
A web development company can develop or design your website in the most creative way possible, but it can turn out to be unproductive if the site fails to deliver any conversion rate. Read More

Multi-Tasking Can Slow You Down

Multi-Tasking Can Slow You Down - Avatar Posted by Carol_Amato under Online Marketing
From 3373 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on April 17, 2015 3:35 pm
We all know the serious consequences that can happen when we try to text and drive a car simultaneously. The outcome may not be as dramatic, but recent research is proving that multi-tasking can drastically slow down your progress and even hinder your ability to think logically.

Until recently, Read More

Moz Introduce New Spam Score Metric

Moz Introduce New Spam Score Metric  - Avatar Posted by Xen under News
From 3373 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on April 17, 2015 3:40 pm
Moz metrics are trusted around the web for providing an indication as to the quality of a website. Now, the company has added a new metric known as Spam Score to help you to better predict if a site is likely to receive a Google penalty. Moz engineers have been working on the new metric for a year Read More

Why Your Business Needs To Be On Instagram Now

Why Your Business Needs To Be On Instagram Now  - Avatar Posted by Xen under Social Media
From 3373 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on April 18, 2015 2:52 am
4 years ago, Instagram was just another social site where people could share beautiful pictures. The site has since grown into one of the most popular and most powerful social media sites today. When Facebook purchased Instagram, it gained an even more solid foothold in the social media arena. As a Read More

Marketing and Sales Business Plan Writing Guide

Marketing and Sales Business Plan Writing Guide  - Avatar Posted by TaylorBPT under Marketing
From 3373 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on April 16, 2015 10:07 am
The marketing and sales chapter gives you an opportunity to describe how you will manage your sales force and what sales activities they will conduct in order to close sales. Learn how to write the marketing and sales section of your business plan. Read More
There always comes a point in the copywriting process when you ask yourself, have I written enough?

This post will take you through long copy and short copy and why you might choose one over the other. Read More
There always comes a point in the copywriting process when you ask yourself, have I written enough?

This post will take you through long copy and short copy and why you might choose one over the other. Read More
*That One Question Over The Phone You Should Always Ask Your Prospect*
Often as online marketers we prefer to hide behind our computer screens rather than jump on the phone with prospects.
Having the automated system is great however, there may come a time most likely where at some poin Read More

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