Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

With so many of us working from home now, we're looking for ways to save money in our home office. Here are ten tips to get us started. Read More
During this time of financial downturn everyone seems to be attempting to suppose the right way to get ahead of the recession in their business. Equifax, the UK physique that holds credit score reference info, not too long ago put out a survey that requested the public to indicate their expected in Read More
Local businesses can advertise online with a variety of site, web ad, budget and strategy options to reach customers and generate targeted website traffic. Read More
Making instructional video is an easy way to produce training, business and educational presentation videos. You can create your instructional video with screen recorder at ease. Read More

The Content Is King Myth

The Content Is King Myth  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From 4950 days ago
Made Hot by: DebMark on December 5, 2010 3:01 am
Content is King! You’ve heard it so many times. Indeed, when you hear this phrase from experts week, week out, it’s hard to believe that it could not be true. Could it? Read More
Imagine you are a producer, manager, or investor and an inspiring artist brings you a a promotional CD. Not just any CD, but a CD with a handwritten title, songlist, and contact information on the front with a Sharpie. In fact, some of the information is even grossly mispelled! Read More
What is the Number 1 Reason I hear when speaking to Business Owners about selling their business? Why are you looking to sell your Business? Because I Am Ready. Read More
With the majority of people supporting the betterment of social issues and a minority of those that don’t, it makes sense that when choosing between two companies of the same product (say Earls, and Dining in the Dark where all proceedes go to support the blind), majority will choose the brand (or Read More
LinkedIn, a business-oriented social network, has introduced new share buttons come in three different designs: vertical with a share counter, a smaller, horizontal button with the counter, and a horizontal button with no counter. Read More
Will location-based marketing be doomed by too many location-based services?

In the past, I have written about whether location-based social networks will catch on and location-based social networks introducing deals. Up until the past few days, I was certain that location-based marketing would Read More

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