Sophia2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

With all those screens open at once, you may find that your brain starts to struggle to switch between all those different tasks without your losing concentration. The solution is to spend some time actively training your ability to multitask and switch your focus/attention. Read More

Evaluate Your Website to Learn More About Mobile Shoppers

Avatar Posted by airabongco under Online Marketing
From 4037 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on September 16, 2013 9:01 am
Are you taking a look at your mobile shoppers? You should. Did you know that mobile traffic contribute a lot to online sales? Here's how you can delve into this matter. Read More

Best Time to Post on Facebook

Avatar Posted by resonancesocial under Social Media
From 4037 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on September 17, 2013 7:05 am
I'm just getting used to the new Facebook Insights, so I was happy to find this post from Jen Picard on how to use the new analytics to determine the best times to post. Read More

Could the Pomodoro Technique Help Your Productivity?

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Self-Development
From 4037 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on September 17, 2013 5:37 am
While it’s not necessary to productive all the time, there are times when you need to focus on your work and just get it taken care of. One of the techniques that a friend recently told me about is the Pomodoro technique. Read More

50 Instagram Rules for Businesses

Avatar Posted by jennherman31 under Social Media
From 4037 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on September 16, 2013 3:26 pm
There are often a lot of questions about how best to use Instagram for marketing. And while the actual strategy will vary for each business and brand, there are some key rules that you should adhere to. Read More

How To Choose A Profitable Niche

Avatar Posted by lauraraisanen under Online Marketing
From 4037 days ago
Made Hot by: MindCircusMedia on September 15, 2013 7:32 am
This article talks about the challenge of selecting a niche and outlines a few tips on how to ensure there is a market for the selected niche and that it is also profitable. Read More
From failing to follow up with customers to not establishing your value, these four simple yet common marketing mistakes are costly. Here’s how to prevent them. Read More

Is It Time to Hire a Virtual Administrative Assistant?

Avatar Posted by greatcontent under Management
From 4037 days ago
Made Hot by: chandaoc on September 12, 2013 7:27 am
Are you running like a chicken with it's head missing? Maybe it's time to think about hiring. If you're a small business one source of finding help is using a virtual assistant. These people don't need to be offshore. Actionable ideas. Read More
There are different types of users on Twitter. One may use it for their personal use and the other may use it for commercial purpose. But the business people are the one who are taking more advantage on Twitter by using it for promoting their brands, in finding the prospects and so on. Read More

The Best Business Advice to Ignore

Avatar Posted by Rieva Lesonsky under Management
From 4037 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on September 16, 2013 8:24 am
Small-business owners get unsolicited advice everyday. Some of it can be very helpful, some of it is better off ignored. If you hear any of the "words of wisdom" listed below, our advice to you is to smile, say thank you, and move on.
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