Sophia2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A Valuable Lesson From Step Brothers

Often people exhibit a form of bi-polar disorder when they try something new. One minute they are up; the next they are down. Most humans get frustrated easily by a lack of quick positive results. I have been just as guilty of this as anyone.

With this in Read More
Did you know the average commute to work is 45 minutes each way? That's 1.5 hours of your day that could be spent on the job. So it's not surprising to find out that working from home results in a 10-20% increase in employee productivity! Read More

The My Way Trap

Avatar Posted by Rich Greene under Management
From 4234 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on March 2, 2013 4:55 am
My Way is a very dangerous place. My Way is the place we go to when we perceive we do not have time to explain a situation. My Way is the place we go to when we do not trust those around us. My Way is where we go to when we are afraid and confused. My Way means that decisions are made spontaneously Read More

How Can Social Media Help You Do What You Love? [VIDEO]

Avatar Posted by danielzeevi under Social Media
From 4234 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on February 25, 2013 7:10 pm
Meet Kamil Tamiola, a one-time researcher in biophysics, turned National Geographic photographer. Kamil hadn't used Facebook for years, but since it was such a great networking tool he decided to pick it up again 14 months ago only to see it completely transform his life. As a researcher in biophys Read More

7 Principles That Predict What Steve Jobs Would Do

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 4234 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on February 25, 2013 11:56 pm
Steve Jobs was one of those entrepreneurs who seemed universally either loved or hated, but not many will argue with his ability to innovate in the technology product arena over the years. He was instrumental in creating Apple, which has pioneered a dazzling array of new products, and even surpasse Read More
there are a few social media networks that you may have heard of, but may not yet have joined because you don't think that they're right for your business or you don't think they're very influential, and as a result, you could be missing out on a lot of opportunities for your business. Here are thr Read More
Naina Lal Kidwai’s charisma, talent and perseverance gave her the distinction of being named the third most powerful business woman in the world by Fortune magazine. Read More

Google DoFollow Penalty To Hit You Soon

Avatar Posted by GenuineSEOnet under Online Marketing
From 4234 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on February 25, 2013 11:35 pm
“Google has reiterated a warning to publishers that its ban on links that are designed to enhance a site’s PageRank applies not just to paid links but to sponsored content and advertorial as well.” @PaidContent
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Are you innovating on a continuous basis?

Avatar Posted by CatarinasWorld under Management
From 4234 days ago
Made Hot by: keepupweb on March 5, 2013 2:50 am
Nowadays the market is constantly changing and businesses adapt or die. So if you haven’t yet developed a culture of innovation, it’s high time you do. Read More

How to Deal with Negative Social Media Comments

Avatar Posted by mavtrevor under Social Media
From 4234 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on February 26, 2013 2:17 pm
Social media helps companies interact with customers directly and increases their fan base. A fan page or Twitter account lets them share the latest business news for targeted customers. Today’s young audience loves social networks and spends hours in liking and tweeting content shared by their fav Read More

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