Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

3 simple to use tools for entrepreneurs and small business owners to save time online and spend more time building your business. Read More

IRS Audit Concerns for Small Business

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Legal
From 5358 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on January 29, 2010 11:37 pm
When filling out the tax return for your small busines, remember to avoid the things that are red flags to auditors. The top concerns when filling out small business taxes are not what you might think. Consider taking steps to avoid costly engagement with the IRS. Instead, be fair when filling out your return. Read More

Simple Guide to Create a Self Hosted Website/Blog using Wordpress 2.9.1 as CMS

Avatar Posted by k2seo under Technology
From 5358 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 29, 2010 4:14 am
Wordpress is the most admired CMS specifically designed and developed for the bloggers. You can use Wordpress to create a customized blog or website using your own domain name. The latest released WP 2.9.1 adds a great deal of new functions and allows you to create a full functional website at no cost. Read More
A survey conducted by the Society of Digital Agencies, the 2010 Digital Marketing Outlook revealed that social media will be top priority for digital marketers. Read More
Can humour play a role in getting ahead in business or your career. This article examines humour and potential benefits of humour. Read More
Women network with women because they know they can create more opportunities for one another. Is this true? Read More

How Do I Get My Business On TV

Avatar Posted by jsternal under Public Relations
From 5359 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 28, 2010 7:31 am
Have you ever watched a favorite television show and wondered how a particular small business got the production company to make the show about them? You know the question you ask yourself – how do I get my business on TV? I’m sure you’ve seen at least one of these shows, especially if you’re a regular viewer of TLC or The Food Network. Read More

7 Steps to Build Products for Mass Adoption

Avatar Posted by WayneLiew under Products and Services
From 5359 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 31, 2010 10:09 am
Normals are people who, unlike Techies, don’t just use products simply because they’re infatuated with them and with showing the world how cool it is that they’re using the latest tech product. They use products because the products solve a need they have. VCs prefer products designed for normals not for Techies. Read More
For the second time in my life as a freelancer I have used a VERY unorthodox approach to replace "down-time" with paychecks. It involves beginning a job...without one vitally important thing...having been hired. Sound crazy? It's not. Come see my system... Read More
A tip on building your business through introducing others. Nothing is a better business builder than karma and connections. Read More

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