Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

4 Ways to Become a Meaningful Marketer and Boost Sales

Avatar Posted by StepByStepMarketing under Marketing
From 5430 days ago
Made Hot by: JohnH on November 16, 2009 5:47 pm
Bob Gilbreath, chief marketing strategist at Bridge Worldwide, says to create niche marketing that improves peoples lives. The more meaningful you make your marketing, he says, the more people are willing to pay for your products or services. Here are the things meaningful marketers know. Read More

Small Business Called "Backbone of Recovery"

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under News
From 5431 days ago
Made Hot by: Inkaholic76 on November 16, 2009 7:48 pm
This report by CNN Small Business examines the role played by small business as the "backbone" of the economic recovery. Though over half of all workers in the U.S. are employed by small businesses loans to this sector by banks in recent months since the economic downturn has fallen noticeably...despite economic assistance poured into Read More
Over time, small business websites start to show their age. To stay on top of your game, you need to take an active role in reviewing your site's graphics, content and technology on a regular basis. So, is it time for a website redesign? The following seven clues are strong indicators your small business website is in need of a serious website red Read More
Twitter has turned out to be a useful tool for some small businesses coping with customer-service or public-relations crises. Read More
Let's take a look at the basic financial statements that every business owner should prepare and review on a regular basis: the profit-and-loss statement, the balance sheet and the cash flow statement. I asked Libby Ladu, founder of Right Brain Ventures and a financial advisor to entrepreneurs, to describe how each of these statements can help yo Read More

Win a Social Media Marketing Library

Avatar Posted by ducttape under Marketing
From 5433 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 15, 2009 10:49 am
In a fit of collaboration goodness I would like to gift one set of seven awesome books to the person that most creatively answers the following: I get the biggest return for my business using social media when I [fill in the blank] I'm the only judge and I'm going to pick the answer I like the best. But, here's what you'll get if you win. Read More
Have you seen Verizon's new television commercial comparing its nationwide 3G coverage with that of AT&T? Below is a video of the animated commercial, just in time for the holiday shopping season. Some think Verizon is out of line in directly mentioning AT&T's coverage in its advertisements. Read More
What's the WOW Factor That Make's You Stand Out In the Crowd? Read More

How to Get Free Publicity for Your Small Business

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Public Relations
From 5434 days ago
Made Hot by: ThomasPickering on November 13, 2009 5:36 pm
The energetic Ramon Ray of talks about how to get free publicity for your small business. Besides advertising, Ray says in this presentation, gaining media coverage may be the best method of gaining not only publicity but also credibility for your product or service. Ray suggests an approach that looks at the news process an Read More

Twitter: My Quick Video guide to Twitter Marketing Success

Avatar Posted by scottfox under Social Media
From 5434 days ago
Made Hot by: tonybordonaro on November 12, 2009 10:55 pm
Lots of people complain about Twitter - but that's usually because they don't "get it". Watch this short video from best-selling online marketing author, Scott Fox, for the strategy approach that can make Twitter an important promotional tool for your business to make more money online. Twitter is a great marketing tool, and it's free! Read More

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