Sundaydriver voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Free social media automation methods: Every blogger knows the importance of automating his blog tweets. As a blogger you may not have all the time to manually update your tweets every now and then, so finding a good free social media automation method will be a great idea. Read More
In this episode of the Digital Publishing Podcast (of which there is a full transcript below, as usual), I cover 11 different topics from the biggest blogging fallacy to a couple different business and product ideas you should run with. Read More
To conserve costs, many small companies are limiting their hiring to essential positions and are turning to their current employees and requiring more of them. This can be a difficult dilemma for small business owners and their workers. Its solution is effective talent management. Read More
A story about employees, who fought against the new system at work. They were unwilling to change and earn a new way of doing things. Read More
Getting traffic seems to be one tough task, but the truth is that it may be easier than you may think.

You just need to know few things... Read More

This Is How To Kill A $2bn Business

This Is How To Kill A $2bn Business - Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Global
From 4219 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on December 18, 2012 2:27 pm
By David Thomas

Writing as a journalist of efficiency, sustainability and good practise, the disintegration of Hostess Brands is telling and worth an article.

Q: How does a company as big and as pertinent to America as Hostess fail?

(Possible) A: Not caring about its brand or its future.
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Projectplace Tutorial Videos

Projectplace Tutorial Videos - Avatar Posted by GetApp under Resources
From 4219 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on December 18, 2012 3:27 pm
This is a Projectplace Tutorial Videos series which aims to educate users about product features and specific functions.

The objective is to help users to increase the benefits that they can get from Projectplace and give insights about Projectplace´s features and usability. Read More
Good information flow is vital for a small business: whether you are communicating within your team or with your customers and suppliers. There are number of tools available for storing, sharing and accessing information: project collaboration, project management, social collaboration and similar so Read More
The Social Commerce Handbook - An Interview With Paul Chaney. Learn from Paul on Marketing To Niches Part 2. Read More
Indian tech startup gazeMetrix lets companies know when and where their brands was photographed by social media users - and engage them. Read More

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