Techmedia voted on the following stories on BizSugar

10 Facebook Tools for Business & Marketing in 2014

10 Facebook Tools for Business & Marketing in 2014  - Avatar Posted by alexwriting under Online Marketing
From 3708 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on May 16, 2014 12:54 am
Facebook has been getting a lot of different types of opinions this year, some say their advertising platform is rubbish, while others have come up with ways of using Facebook as a DDoS (denial service) tool. It’s quite interesting.
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Franchise Branding: Ronald McDonald Goes With A Bowtie

Franchise Branding: Ronald McDonald Goes With A Bowtie - Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From 3708 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on May 14, 2014 8:18 pm
Franchising really works.

One reason has to do with franchise branding. A really powerful franchise brand can transform an average franchise business into a serious powerhouse. What specific franchises do you think of when asked a questions…any question, about “a franchise?” Examples s Read More

Are Women More Successful as Business Owners?

Are Women More Successful as Business Owners? - Avatar Posted by smpayton under Startups
From 3708 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on May 15, 2014 7:56 am
Do women really make better business owners? Several studies point to that being the case. See what others think about women entrepreneurs. Read More

10 Reasons No One Is Reading Your Blog

10 Reasons No One Is Reading Your Blog  - Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Social Media
From 3708 days ago
Made Hot by: zioncampo on May 12, 2014 11:19 pm
By Kathryn Mott

You were told that your business needed to start a blog, so you did. You’ve put time, effort and resources into it but you’re not getting the results you were expecting. You have no readers or followers and your articles aren’t being shared. You followed the trends and got the bl Read More

The Return on a Share #infographic

The Return on a Share #infographic - Avatar Posted by SaadAhmadkhan under Social Media
From 3708 days ago
Made Hot by: NanoTechnologyMedia on May 14, 2014 3:30 pm
New analysis calculates dollar value and influence of sharing on purchase decisions; shows online sharing is nearly equivalent to in-person recommendations. Study Shows Content Shared Online Can Influence Consumers More than Price and Brand and Motivate People to Spend 9.5 Percent More. Read More

5 Important Inventory Solution Features

5 Important Inventory Solution Features - Avatar Posted by BLASTlavon under Management
From 3708 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on May 14, 2014 11:33 pm
How do you ensure you purchase the best inventory solution for your small business, and which inventory solution features are 100% required? We suggest finding an inventory solution that includes the five most important inventory tracking functions. Read More

How the Internet changed our everyday communication

How the Internet changed our everyday communication - Avatar Posted by xanderdimitrov under Technology
From 3708 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on May 13, 2014 11:47 pm
"I like your status and would gladly tweet about it!"

Such a sentence would sound gibberish less than ten years ago. Why would anyone make a bird sound because he finds a person’s social status appealing?

Internet language is just like a little child – young yet growing rapidly and with a sho Read More

The Three Most Powerful Words in Marketing

The Three Most Powerful Words in Marketing - Avatar Posted by tcamba under Marketing
From 3708 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on May 14, 2014 11:44 pm
“Humans simply aren’t moved to action by data dumps, dense PowerPoint slides or spreadsheets packed with figures. People are moved by emotion. The best way to emotionally connect other people to our agenda begins with ‘Once upon a time…’ Read More

Report: Digital Storytelling for Social Impact

Report: Digital Storytelling for Social Impact  - Avatar Posted by tcamba under Marketing
From 3708 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on May 14, 2014 12:50 am
Few would deny that storytelling is a powerful tool for inspiring action and influencing thought leaders, donors, and decision makers. However, few of us working in the social impact space could admit to utilizing storytelling to its fullest potential. Read More
Twitter moves pretty fast. It’s a world that measures time in seconds versus hours. There are over 500 million tweets sent from around the world every day. Because Twitter has become such a major source for global news and conversation, we have pulled weekly Twitter trends for the past 100 weeks to Read More

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