Techmedia voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Ever feel like you just aren’t making any progress in your freelance business? Do you seem to be working endlessly but aren’t any closer to reaching your goals?

Well, let me tell you about someone who knows how that feels … I’ll call him Jack. Read More
Monica Day shares why connecting with other freelancers is important for her success as a copywriter. Read More
Now we’re going to get even more in depth and figure out the specific niche within that broader topic you should go into. In today’s crowded Internet market having a very narrow niche is the only way to go – especially for new entrepreneurs. Read More
Make sure you answer these questions before deciding whether to hire a freelance web developer or use a free website builder. Read More
With an ever increasing number of smartphone owners and users, many companies and mobile app developers have found the inherent opportunities in creating and disseminating their own mobile apps. Read More
The SEC just changed the world of small business fundraising. It's now legal to advertise your stock for sale on Facebook. But new rules mean new risks. Read More
When you hire an SEO consultant, you’re hiring someone to take the reins from you and provide quality results that will increase your bottom line. To keep your SEO consultant happy, make sure you avoid all of the following. Read More
Internal affairs on both the client's and your side of a business deal can interfere with the sales process and prevent you from closing the sale. Learn how to identify the hidden sales enemy within and overcome this obstacle when working to bring in new business. Read More
One of the most profound effects of the Internet age is the “shrinking” of our planet. This globalization of business and, at a more basic level, human connections changes everything. Read More
Social media platforms were initially created for social interactions between individuals. However, companies have quickly realized the potential of influence that can be gained by using social networks as online marketing tools. Read More

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