Thelastword voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You often hear about the Dos and Donts of writing social media updates. This chart sums it up perfectly. It shows what elements you need to include in your post when submitting content to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+. Read More
It's the one problem every business owner dreams of having: managing growth. Make no mistake, it is a challenge and getting it wrong can be costly. Here are a few growth strategy tips to help you expand the right way. Read More
Why You Need A Human Element for Your Online Efforts By Jamie Turner - See what author Jamie Turner has to say about Why You Need A Human Element for Your Read More
Does your store or site allow product reviews and comments from customers? Did you know that these can be used by competitors to do negative SEO on your site? Here is an example of how one company almost got hit and 2 other things to think about if you have customer reviews on your site. Read More
Are you working for a bosshole and thinking that it is probably time to quit? Well, hold on. There are some benefits of working for a challenging boss. Read More

Conquer Instagram With These Apps And Utilities

Conquer Instagram With These Apps And Utilities - Avatar Posted by cegeland under Social Media
From 3651 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on July 16, 2014 3:06 pm
Looking to become a more effective Instagram marketer? This list of utilities and apps can help you do everything from manage your Instagram app, create and edit images, find hashtags and even post your images to Twitter for you. Read More
You have a blog.

But, you don’t have a thriving base of readers (yet).

You want to accelerate growth and get more readers.

The big question is how?

I’ve been there, frantically trying to figure out how to get more readers and grow my blog to the point that I want it to be.

I felt the Read More
During the lifetime of a company, you may find it can be beneficial to invite another shareholder into the company. You may want to create another share without transferring any existing shares. In effect you are creating a new share of the company. Read More

3 Tips for Naming Your Business in the Modern, Mobile World

3 Tips for Naming Your Business in the Modern, Mobile World  - Avatar Posted by CateCosta under Startups
From 3651 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on July 17, 2014 11:27 am
Before you spend hours agonizing over what to call your company, consider these three tips.

While there are numerous great resources to help you develop an effective company or product name, here are three tips to consider before you even get started.

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Does your business use social media channels to target the right customer base? Learn more here! Each channel is very unique... Read More

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