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Flipboard App Organizes Online Reading

Flipboard App Organizes Online Reading  - Avatar Posted by esheckler under Technology
From 3664 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on June 30, 2014 5:18 pm
Ever look at your computer screen and find that you have about 15 tabs open and you can’t remember which one is what? What about the times on your phone, flipping back and forth from app to app? Want an answer to keeping it all straight? Flipboard is an app for multi-tab users everywhere. Read More
The old adage, ‘a picture speaks a thousand words’ seems to have advanced a step further these days. From marketing procedures based on images, companies are fast shifting their focus on video. Video marketing is the buzzword these days. Read More

How Fear Can Help You Excel as a New Entrepreneur

How Fear Can Help You Excel as a New Entrepreneur - Avatar Posted by ShannonW under Startups
From 3664 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on June 29, 2014 10:12 pm
Fears keeping you up at night? Learn how you can use them to excel as a new entrepreneur so you wake up feeling confident and ready to tackle the day. Read More
If there is one thing that I am good at, it is feeling overwhelmed. I always seem to have to-do lists as high as the Himalayas, and, undoubtedly, as sure as I am feeling good about checking things off, the list fills up again. Some days, I literally feel like I am drowning; my brain is not getting Read More
New parents put a lot of thought into choosing their children’s names. It’s one of the most important things they’re going to do for their offspring, right? Like many expectant parents, my husband and I spent plenty of time digging through baby books trying to find a name we both liked before our s Read More
The recent movement in Seattle and other major US cities to raise the minimum wage has franchise owners rankled. It’s not just that they’ll have to pay workers as much as $15 an hour. It’s that franchise business owners won’t get the same grace period to raise wages that other small businesses will Read More
Entrepreneurs who follow their dreams and are driven by passion can have bad days too.

These 45 quotes will power you through to bring out your best.
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Today your personal brand is what the Internet says about you. Here are six strategies to creating an amazing personal brand. Read More
We all have goals and dreams.

We want to achieve them, but we are chasing an end result, the destination.

Is that really right? And will we even be happy at the end of it?

That’s not always the case.

Today, I am going to share where I went wrong and how you can dramatically change your Read More
Don't waste your time messing around on social sites that have no ROI for you. Here's how you can do better at gaining leads on the sites that are perfect for your business. Read More

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