Torstenmueller voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In the new B2B marketing landscape, savvy sellers are applying the principles of social selling, using the social networks to disseminate relevant content and to build valuable relationships. Read More
When Amir Zelazny, MBA 09, took on a consulting project for Wells Fargo through the Berkeley MBA applied innovation course Haas@Work, he laid the groundwork for a new product that would help Wells Fargo customers save for their futures --and for his own leadership role in developing and launching W Read More
How a love of games and a Berkeley MBA helped John Hanke map the world: Hanke, MBA 96, co-founded Keyhole, the startup that became Google Earth, and most recently launched and leads Google's Niantic Labs. Read More
Columbia Business School's EMBA-Americas option is a new way to capitalize on the unique advantages and resources of Columbia’s world-class executive MBA program based in New York. Read More
Columbia Business School students invited Dean Glenn Hubbard to take the #icebucketchallenge after taking the challenge themselves on August 22. Read More

Don't Buy Into Fauxsumerism [video]

Avatar Posted by centrifugePR under News
From 3579 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on September 18, 2014 5:55 pm
Elliott takes a hard look at the culture of "fauxsumerism," the act of looking but never buying.

Join Elliott in his Fantasy Shopping League, and comment below on what your dream purchase would be. Read More
Which are you favorite viral business campaigns and social media memes?

We share things everyday over the Internet with our friends and family. Whether it be a cool DIY project, something that made us laugh, or a picture of a cute animal. We propel things into the vast space know as the Internet Read More

Faking It On Twitter [video]

Avatar Posted by PMVirtual under Social Media
From 3579 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on September 19, 2014 12:26 pm
Do you follow some fake Twitter accounts? Could you be fooled in your business by Twitter?

Elliott outs some of Twitter's greatest fake accounts and discusses his struggle to get verified. Read More
Chris Dancy is the self-described "most connected guy in the world," using between 300 and 700 tracking and lifelogging systems at all times. He joined Mashable for a live Hangout on Air to answer user questions. Read More

How Vine Star KC James Makes 6-Second Videos His Career [video]

Avatar Posted by PMVirtual under Social Media
From 3579 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on September 21, 2014 1:43 pm
Building a career on Vine is no longer out of the norm. The video-sharing app is home to millions, brands and users alike. So naturally, many have tried to stand out from the crowd. Watch the video to understand and learn how KC James rose to fame and fortune by using the platform. Read More

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