Viclogic voted on the following stories on BizSugar

21 Ways to Build Your Personal Brand

Avatar Posted by viclogic under Self-Development
From 4134 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on April 6, 2013 9:22 am
Personal branding is important to growing both your business and career. It boosts your business brand. It also establishes yourself as an expert. Here are 21 ways to establish your personal brand online and offline. Read More
Business owners cannot just produce and produce without selling – that would lead to oversupply and business losses. Moreover, they cannot just drive more and more customers to buy while their workers are lacking in number – that would lead to overloading and over exhausting their people. Read More
SEO involves advanced techniques that some business owners and marketers are not familiar with. If you're not a SEO specialist but still want to optimized your website and business for the search engines and their users, here are 11 SEO tips for non-SEO entrepreneurs and marketers. Read More
Internet marketing, once done the right way, definitely helps a business grow and succeed. However, there are still a number of small and medium business owners who are still not trying to maximize online marketing to achieve their goals. Thus, let us reconsider the following 12 things that Interne Read More
Small business owners should take people and personal leadership seriously if they want to grow their business and achieve lasting success. They should learn how to influence other people (employees, customers, and other business stakeholders) to help them achieve a common goal. Read More

15 Management Tips for Small Business Owners

Avatar Posted by viclogic under Management
From 4163 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on March 7, 2013 12:48 pm
Small business owners have to learn how to become better managers and leaders, and take management seriously. Here are 15 quick management tips for small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs. Read More

10 Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners

Avatar Posted by viclogic under Marketing
From 4164 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on March 6, 2013 1:39 pm
Small business marketing can create big impact to its target market even without a big budget. Here are 10 marketing tips for small business owners who want to be more competitive and grow their business in the midst of a tough business competition. Read More

10 Business Tips for Small Business Owners

Avatar Posted by viclogic under Management
From 4168 days ago
Made Hot by: Squawk Media on March 4, 2013 2:46 am
Starting and running a small business should be taken sincerely and with a long-term goal in mind. Your small business should be built to last. Here are 10 business tips for aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to achieve big success in business. Read More
Management, to be efficient and effective, should have the essence of leadership – the heart of management. Employers, managers, bosses, and supervisors have to understand that they are handling people who are human beings filled with seemingly unpredictable feelings and emotions. Any statement, on Read More
Workers and employees, here are 12 things you should not do on Facebook and why you should avoid doing them. Companies and employers should also watch out what their employees are doing on social media to protect their business and organization. Read More

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