Viclogic voted on the following stories on BizSugar

7 Types of People You Must Have in Your Team

Avatar Posted by aceconcierge under Strategy
From 3803 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on March 3, 2014 5:05 pm
Team work is an important ingredient to every success. Hence, consider the following 7 types of people you must have in your team, business or organization. Read More

50 Inbound Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Avatar Posted by viclogic under Marketing
From 3806 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on February 25, 2014 10:31 am
If you want to make your business a magnet to customers so that you won’t be disrupting them but rather they would naturally come to your business, you have to employ inbound marketing. Inbound marketing can be the most effective marketing strategy for small business owners. It’s fun, creative, and Read More
Although outbound marketing should still be a part of your marketing strategy, you have to pay attention to your inbound marketing efforts to make sure that your business will be successful in the long run. Your outbound marketing should only supplement or support your inbound marketing to make sur Read More

10 Top Online Communities for Small Business Owners

Avatar Posted by viclogic under Marketing
From 3811 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on February 20, 2014 2:43 pm
Including the BizSugar community, these 10 online communities for small business owners are useful for reading business articles, asking advice, sharing answers, utilizing tools, growing your network, and growing your small business. Read More
We've been talking about marketing strategies, tactics, and techniques but we don’t really give much attention to our marketing styles. Simply, our marketing style is the manner of how we do marketing. Unlike our techniques, which we can conceal from other people, our style is usually noticed by th Read More

25 Marketing Blogs that Business Owners should Read

Avatar Posted by viclogic under Marketing
From 3818 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on February 13, 2014 10:34 pm
Business owners and entrepreneurs should not stop learning, and one of the business practices that they should keep on developing is marketing. Marketing helps businesses create quality products and solutions, attract and satisfy more customers, create good relationship with them, earn lasting reve Read More
A comprehensive guide of what you can be getting from Facebook’s paid advertising and how you can streamline your advertising campaign to fit perfectly well with your end goals. Read More
The Semantic Web or what experts are also calling the Linked Data Web or Web 3.0 is purported to be the next iteration that will make search more social – and redefine the future of the Internet. Read More
If you’re the boss, you have to do something to change the common perception that bosses are not that good. You have to prove to your people that you’re not just a good manager to them, but you are someone who always do his or her best to become a better person who’s in-charge of the place. Read More
With the tough and competitive industry, bloggers have to bring their blogs to the top-tier level to stand out from the crowd. They have to be classy and maintain that elegance from the beginning till the end. So if you’re an aspiring blogger, here are 5 ways on how you can become a classy blogger. Read More

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