Websuccessteam voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Small Business...what should franchisees know before investing in a home-based business? First, while the cost is certainly lower, start-up expenses are, on average, between $25,000 and $60,000, and even more if there is a lot of equipment involved. It's still hard to get financing for start-ups so Read More
How to Buy a Business: Buying Your Competitors

Most small businesses struggle with excruciatingly slow growth because after the first year or so of operations during which they attracted the market’s low-hanging fruit. Once this segment has been tapped the situation turns into one of trench warf Read More
Pinterest really gets back to the roots of marketing: selling a lifestyle through creative imagery. The platform has taken off, and that is true in every sense of the word. As the most rapid growing social network in history, the potential for online branding via Pinterest is increasing everyday. Read More
This post will try to clarify the upcoming improvement of Google Search and how a blogger/webmaster, should change SEO strategy to adapt to it. Read More
Divergent messages are not only confusing but lead to misunderstandings. The same holds true in marketing, which is based on human reactions and interactions. Read More
The biggest exhibitor and the biggest hit at the Natural Products Expo West at the Anaheim Convention Center March 9-11 didn’t have a booth or push out product. I’m talking about Social Media. It was the main ingredient at the natural foods trade show. Read More
In designing and pushing out an online marketing campaign, what happens if your campaign goes viral? It could be your biggest hope or your biggest challenge. Read More

Great Sales Presentation That Fall At The Final Hurdle

Great Sales Presentation That Fall At The Final Hurdle  - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Sales
From http://bloggertone.com 4491 days ago
Made Hot by: smallbizwoman on March 13, 2012 3:46 am
Over the years, I have seen many salespeople who have delivered what they believed to be great sales presentations, only to fall at the final hurdle. There are lots of reasons for not closing a sale including ‘poor presentation’, ‘lack of product knowledge’ and ‘failure to listen to the needs of th Read More
Solid Cactus is a “total solutions provider” which in a nutshell means we do everything for an ecommerce store owner except pack and ship their orders.
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Mobile applications are becoming more intuitive, allowing you to network creating more social engagement in ways that weren’t possible even just a couple years ago. Smart phone applications like Evernote and CardMunch are reinventing the ways you can connect with clients and professionals. Read More

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