Williswee voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A study from The Nielsen Company shows that Americans are spending more time on social media sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and blogs. Social media has captured 17% of Americans' total Internet time in August 2009, nearly tripling the mere 6% in August 2008. Read More
Real time search is available on Twitter and just recently, Facebook, for users to search for the latest buzz. If utilized well, this feature is not only useful for individuals but businesses as well. The good news is, you don't need a book for dummies to get started. You just need this post! Read More
So we have heard of big names like Starbucks, Dell and Whole Foods making their names even bigger on social media. We have also seen 5 great social media campaigns and best practices we can learn from. But are you truly convinced that social media can actually help small businesses? No? I thought so too. To help you see how it can work no matter Read More
Although many companies today are leveraging on the power of social media to build brand value, we've already seen several cases where brands have been challenged by the explosive dissemination of negative information... Read More
It is September 30 in most countries and people are getting really impatient. In reaction, we log on to our favorite social networking sites (Facebook and Twitter) to voice our anticipation. I wouldn't be surprised if some of us are standing by our email hoping to receive the invitation first hand, or fanatically refreshing the Google wave URL f Read More

KISS: Social Media Strategy For Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by williswee under Social Media
From http://www.penn-olson.com 5467 days ago
Made Hot by: biancaaquino on September 28, 2009 1:37 pm
with limited resources, how should entrepreneurs engage in this time consuming but very much needed marketing strategy? Read More
Google logo spotted an interesting double “l” today. 27 September 2009 is Google's 11th birthday and its logo is altered (like always) to celebrate 11 years of Google brilliance. Read More
The purpose was to foster and reward ideas that could improve the world. $10 million will be shared among five selected ideas for the implementation of the projects Read More
Google CEO, Eric Schmidt told Reuters that there would be acquisitions (with focus on small companies) approximately once a month mainly as a way to hire the best talent in the market. Read More
More funds = Less fail whale and bugs? This dream is coming true with Twitter Co-founder and CEO Evan Williams confirmation. However, the amount of funding Twitter received still requires some guesswork. No exact amount of funding was announced. Instead, the word “significant” was used. Is $100 million considered significant? Read More

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