Zioncampo voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The 4 Types of Bad Managers #infographic

The 4 Types of Bad Managers #infographic - http://www.visualistan.com Avatar Posted by SaadAhmadkhan under Management
From http://www.visualistan.com 3702 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on May 21, 2014 10:30 pm
Make sure you're not one of them! We often lead based on examples or models that we've seen in our lives. This can be really helpful, unless our models were demonstrating poor leadership. You can see 4 examples of bad managers. Then it goes over 8 traits that can make managers better. Read More
You looked down your idea, determined market opportunity and margins, and made your prototype. Now it's time to enter the production phase of building your business. Read More

5 Most Profitable Small Businesses ~ Lever Stand

5 Most Profitable Small Businesses ~ Lever Stand - http://www.leverstand.com Avatar Posted by augustus01 under News
From http://www.leverstand.com 3702 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on May 21, 2014 10:30 pm
I compiled a list of the most profitable small businesses in the past decade, in this blog post, I create a general review of why this business are the most profitable and an highlight of what new start ups can learn from the profitable small businesses. Read More
Can providing your customers with free Wifi and other perks bring you more business? According to reports from small business owners, the answer is yes. Read More

When is The Best Time to Post, Pin and Tweet?

When is The Best Time to Post, Pin and Tweet? - http://www.bizepic.com Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Social Media
From http://www.bizepic.com 3702 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on May 15, 2014 11:09 pm
Here is a classic question asked by marketers who want to optimize their social media updates: When is the best time to post, pin and tweet your content? Read More
Now is the time to plan your home business tax deductions. Here are 5 to consider for the rest of the year. Read More
The idea of losing your job, or experiencing a large cut in your hours, is probably not one that you want to think about. While it isn’t pleasant, it’s a good idea to have a backup plan in place. Read More
You know social is worth it. You share and engage on Twitter. Your Facebook page is full of interesting content. You blog consistently and share relevant content and tips for your audience. But you may be missing the biggest sleeping giant in your strategy. With over 350 million users, Google+ can Read More
By now you know that Instagram, the smartphone photography app, is super cool. But you maybe aren’t entirely sure how you can best use Instagram for your small business. Lucky for you, we can help! Read More
Running a small business as an entrepreneur is a never-ending challenge of new products, customers, competitors, and an unpredictable economy. This week is National Small Business Week in the US, so it’s a good time to celebrate your successes, and allow the rest of us to acknowledge your dedicatio Read More

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