15 Tips For Jobseekers Who Want To Work For A Startup

15 Tips For Jobseekers Who Want To Work For A Startup - http://www.killerstartups.com Avatar Posted by bloggerpalooza under Startups
From http://www.killerstartups.com 4140 days ago
Made Hot by: zioncampo on February 4, 2013 4:19 pm
Question: What’s one interview tip you have for a job seeker who is looking to work at an entrepreneurial startup?


Written by MarkT
4079 days ago

I absolutely agree with #4. Most entrepreneurs that I've met are the kind of people that have a very good understanding of where people are coming from.

Written by mallaharidat
4132 days ago

Thanks for sharing those very specific tips! There are some great ones for both those looking to get jobs and those who are hiring from startups.

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