Start-up Advice from a Successful Female Entrepreneur

Start-up Advice from a Successful Female Entrepreneur  - Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Startups
From 4372 days ago
Made Hot by: crystalx72 on June 27, 2012 4:55 am
Ginger Aarons of Time Travel Tours shares her expertise from being in business for over 20 years giving some great advice to start up businesses too.


Written by denisefay
4371 days ago

Hi Ginger & Sian,

I read this earlier in the week but didn't get a chance to comment. I whole-heartedly agree that you should have a mentor/coach to chat to outside of family and (employee) friends. It's often hard to justify but all the business owners that I've worked with say the same thing - you need someone who is objective to your business but someone on your side at the same time.

Great interview, Sian. All the best with the business Ginger & bringing lots more folk to the Emerald Isle.

Take care,


Written by elainerogers
4372 days ago

Sian and Ginger,

A great piece, and so nice to see that Ireland is still considered a great option for visiting. Also nice to see we are on the "once in a life time" and "luxury" list :)

Thanks for sharing your insights Ginger and a great interview Sian.

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